List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Research 3537
Maximum Salary:$ 386,652.00
Average Salary:$ 58,496.73
Minimum Salary:$ 15,360.00

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 72 of 133
Name Title Department FTR GF
Lin, Yu RESEARCH FELLOW Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 44,880.00 $ 8,976.00
Bernal, Cristina Research Area Specialist Assoc Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 44,871.00 $ 0.00
Ekstrom, Andrew Research Lab Specialist Assoc Environmental Health Sciences $ 44,860.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Yue Research Lab Specialist Inter Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 44,846.85 $ 0.00
Dopp, Ernest Research Technician Senior Youth & Social Issues $ 44,846.10 $ 0.00
Van Noord, Raelene Ann Research Lab Specialist Assoc Pharmacology Department $ 44,843.69 $ 0.00
Ding, Jun Research Lab Specialist Inter Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept $ 44,831.78 $ 0.00
Neill, Justin Lindsay RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Astronomy $ 44,805.00 $ 0.00
Gherasim, Carmen RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 44,781.06 $ 0.00
St Louis, Renee M Research Area Specialist Assoc UMTRI-Behavioral Sciences $ 44,780.00 $ 0.00
Inoue, Takamasa RESEARCH FELLOW Cell and Developmental Biology $ 44,695.00 $ 0.00
Subbotina, Natalya M Research Lab Specialist Assoc Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 44,606.05 $ 0.00
Miller, Jamie Research Technician Senior Radiology-Nuclear Medicine $ 44,580.80 $ 0.00
Larkin, L Research Area Specialist Inter Int Med-General Medicine $ 44,562.60 $ 11,140.65
Menon, Bindu RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept $ 44,558.00 $ 0.00
Eisenberg, Anna Research Area Specialist Inter Psych HlthSvc Outcome Research $ 44,557.80 $ 0.00
Feathers, Kecia Research Lab Specialist Assoc Ophthalmology & Visual Science $ 44,531.70 $ 0.00
Mao, Maria Y Research Lab Specialist Assoc Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 44,516.94 $ 0.00
Marrocco-Redmond, Tanya M Research Lab Specialist Assoc Molecular & Behav Neurosc Inst $ 44,513.12 $ 0.00
Su, Hsiao-Wen RESEARCH FELLOW Molec & Integrative Physiology $ 44,500.00 $ 0.00
Kulacki, Konrad RESEARCH FELLOW Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 44,500.00 $ 0.00
Bernard, Denzil RESEARCH FELLOW Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 44,476.00 $ 0.00
Yang, Kun Research Lab Specialist Assoc Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 44,475.58 $ 11,563.65
Wang, Min RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR DENT Bio & Materials Science $ 44,433.75 $ 0.00
Queen, Tara L RESEARCH FELLOW SRC-Hrs $ 44,430.00 $ 0.00
Okubo, Shuichi RESEARCH FELLOW Neurosurgery $ 44,400.00 $ 0.00
Saha, Jharna Research Lab Specialist Assoc Int Med-Nephrology $ 44,389.36 $ 0.00
Schlater, Amy Marie Research Lab Specialist Inter Transplant Surgery (STX) $ 44,375.62 $ 0.00
Wei, Dongping Research Lab Specialist Inter Radiation Oncology - Can Bio $ 44,366.84 $ 0.00
Swain, Laura M RESEARCH FELLOW Department of Radiology $ 44,366.83 $ 22,183.42
Page: 72 of 133

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