List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Rehabilitation 44
Maximum Salary:$ 77,710.00
Average Salary:$ 33,705.63
Minimum Salary:$ 22,922.90

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jones, Jessica Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,907.09 $ 0.00
Maxe, Victoria Rehabilitation Technician UMH MedSport Dominos Tech $ 23,689.90 $ 0.00
Stevens, Christine Rehabilitation Technician UMH Med Sport-Livonia Tech $ 23,689.90 $ 0.00
Martin-Trevino, Rachel Rehabilitation Technician UMH MedSport Dominos Tech $ 23,689.90 $ 0.00
Patel, Anita Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,438.67 $ 0.00
Owagbemi, Alanna Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,438.67 $ 0.00
Mullen, Matthew Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,438.67 $ 0.00
Dold, Jessica M Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,438.67 $ 0.00
Warne, Oliver Anthony Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,438.67 $ 0.00
Dryden, Arrionna Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 23,381.02 $ 0.00
Pernak, Rochelle Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 22,922.90 $ 0.00
Murphy, Shannon Rehabilitation Technician UMH Pmr-Med Rehab Pt $ 22,922.90 $ 0.00
Mills, Sarah Holtapp Rehabilitation Technician UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 22,922.90 $ 0.00
Johnson, Sarah Rehabilitation Technician UMH Pmr-Med Rehab Pt $ 22,922.90 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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