List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Reg Nurse 1982
Maximum Salary:$ 93,724.80
Average Salary:$ 72,717.96
Minimum Salary:$ 36,004.80

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 25 of 67
Name Title Department FTR GF
Miller, Tina Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Johnson, Angie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH PACU - CVC $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Miron, Manuela REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) Central Staffing Resource $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Mitchell, Sherry REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10E - PICU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Morgan, Christopher REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Vascular Access Team $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Moscarello, Ruth Erin REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 9W - Womens Birth Center $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Mustafa, Muhammad REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Vascular Access Team $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Napieralski, Terri REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH PACU - CVC $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Neaton, Jennifer Leigh REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 6D Ccmu $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Imarhiagbe, Abigail Oghenemine REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 7C Cardiology $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Ikerd, Christen Lane REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10W - PCTU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Negrea, Laura REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Coburn, Danielle H REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Medical Short Stay $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Hunter, Tiffany L REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10W - PCTU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Nitz, Amanda Elizabeth REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10W - PCTU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Humphries, Ashley Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 7E - Ped BMT/Hem-Onc $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Nkachukwu, Clare Chisara REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 6B1 Internal Medicine $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
O'Leary, Laura Magee REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Trauma Burn ICU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Cole, Marie Catherine REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Adult BMT/Transplant $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Palmer, Michelle Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Hoeft, Vincent REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Emergency Department $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Parcher, Tammy Lynn REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH - TC - Transplant Clinic $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Hingst, Allison L REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 12W - Ped General Care $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Bodzsar, Paula Renee Smith REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 5D SICU $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Peterson, Rebecca L REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 7C Cardiology $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Phillips, Elisha Dawn REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) Central Staffing Resource $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Pieske, Jennifer M REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH OB/GYN Repro Endo Prof $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Porter, Debbie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Medical Short Stay $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Greene-Strong, Peggy Lynn REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Curran, Stephanie Lynn REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 74,484.80 $ 0.00
Page: 25 of 67

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