List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Reg Nurse 1739
Maximum Salary:$ 92,560.00
Average Salary:$ 72,517.82
Minimum Salary:$ 57,574.40

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 25 of 58
Name Title Department FTR GF
Benton, Leah REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nsg 9C $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Lyons, Megan Elizabeth REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 7C Cardiology $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Miller, Tina Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 4B/C Card/Thor/Vas $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Mitchell, Sherry REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10E - PICU $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Coburn, Danielle H REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 6B1 Internal Medicine $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
McNutt, Mary Colleen REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 5C Surgery $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
LaPointe, Brandon REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW Observation Unit-Mott PACU $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Fogarty, Kathy Ann REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) Central Staffing Resource $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Macklem, Carrie E REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 7E - Ped BMT/Hem-Onc $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Rose, Jaime Rachelle REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 10W - PCTU $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Morris, Patrick W REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH - Northville RAD $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Villanueva, Nicole REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 6B1 Internal Medicine $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Ladouceur, Cheryl REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 12E - Ped General Care $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Forche, Kelly Jane REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Chronic Hemodial - Tech $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Moscarello, Ruth Erin REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 9W - Womens Birth Center $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Murphy, Shannon Amy REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW Peds Cancer Infusion $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Donbrosky, Lisa Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Adult BMT/Transplant $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Davidson, Suzanne Xuereb REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 9W - Womens Birth Center $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Mustafa, Muhammad REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Vascular Access Team $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Fournelle, Angel M REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Bishop, Kristin Joyce REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Vascular Access Team $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Church, Charles F REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 6C Pulmonary $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Cook, Michelle R REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) Central Staffing Resource $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Johnson, Angie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH PACU - CVC $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Reynolds, Allison Marie REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 6D Ccmu $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Cooper, Shannon Nichole REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH 7C Cardiology $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Napieralski, Terri REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH CVM Disease Management $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Neaton, Jennifer Leigh REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Nursing 6D Ccmu $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Radl, Heidi Lynn REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 8W - NICU $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Butts, Kandyce Julia Ann REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) CW 9W - Womens Birth Center $ 71,073.60 $ 0.00
Page: 25 of 58

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