List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Program m 237
Maximum Salary:$ 246,002.00
Average Salary:$ 78,964.95
Minimum Salary:$ 46,000.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 8
Name Title Department FTR GF
Neale, Chinyere Program Manager SPHDO-Office of Global Public $ 78,988.00 $ 78,988.00
Powell, Laurie Beckwith Program Manager UMH Cancer Split Fund $ 78,939.49 $ 0.00
Wagenschutz, Heather Program Manager OMSE Curriculum Srvs General $ 78,902.67 $ 0.00
Brandt, Samantha Truax Program Manager Facilities Maintenance Dept $ 78,881.96 $ 0.00
Lucas, Brandon D Program Manager Offc for Hlt Eqty & Incl $ 78,658.19 $ 0.00
Wiener, Sara Program Manager UMH Social Work $ 78,323.33 $ 0.00
Laatsch, Martha Jane Program Manager Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 78,125.50 $ 39,062.75
Simon, Alicia Program Manager Ofc Vice Prov Acad & Fac Aff $ 78,000.00 $ 78,000.00
Giannola, Diane Program Manager Office of Technology Transfer $ 77,422.00 $ 0.00
Bacyinski, Eric Program Manager CoE Ctr for Entrepreneurship $ 77,250.00 $ 0.00
Salazar, Stephanie Ann Program Manager Psychiatry Depression Center $ 76,765.90 $ 0.00
Hirsch, John Albert Program Manager Facilities Electrical Maint. $ 76,761.56 $ 0.00
Grantham, Joann Elaine Program Manager UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 76,587.39 $ 0.00
Powell, Cheryl A Program Manager Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 76,325.00 $ 76,325.00
Sarigiannis, Amy N Program Manager SPHDO-Office of Global Public $ 76,282.00 $ 76,282.00
Richards, Cari Nicole Program Manager O-CTSU Administration $ 76,272.75 $ 0.00
Owen, Erica Lynette Program Manager MHC Wellness & Risk Reduc Svcs $ 76,182.00 $ 0.00
Frey, Renee Program Manager Rsch Strategic Plan Wk Streams $ 76,000.00 $ 0.00
Dorsey, Candace Program Manager DPSS Housing Sec & Safety Svcs $ 75,000.00 $ 0.00
Mitchell, Christopher Program Manager CoE Ctr Eng Divers & Outrch $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Butler, Debra-Ann Program Manager Dbn Col of Eng & Computer Sci. $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Schuster, Melisa Program Manager UMH MI Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 74,853.29 $ 0.00
Whitman, Laurie Program Manager OMSE Curriculum Srvs General $ 74,531.44 $ 0.00
Firn, Janice Irene Program Manager CBSSM $ 73,539.45 $ 0.00
Webber, Jocelyn Program Manager School of Information $ 73,130.00 $ 73,130.00
Connolly, Miriam Program Manager Dean of Students $ 72,952.50 $ 0.00
Wesley, Jazmine Program Manager Offc for Hlt Eqty & Incl $ 72,948.24 $ 0.00
Artley, Tracy Lynne Program Manager F&O _ Sustainability $ 72,506.61 $ 36,253.30
Ajlen, Ronit Ann Program Manager Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach $ 72,300.00 $ 72,300.00
Reddock, Ebony Chante Program Manager School of Social Work $ 72,144.00 $ 0.00
Page: 4 of 8

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