List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Program m 143
Maximum Salary:$ 180,590.00
Average Salary:$ 70,979.36
Minimum Salary:$ 33,058.67

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Olson, Eric David Program Manager ROSS SCH Supply Chain Mgmt $ 71,449.00 $ 71,449.00
Kall, Aaron Leonard Program Manager U-M Debate $ 71,100.94 $ 0.00
Guinn, Susan Elaine Program Manager Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev $ 70,845.82 $ 70,845.82
DeVries, Christopher Richard Program Manager Treasurer's Office $ 70,794.00 $ 0.00
Wiley, Sandra K Program Manager School of Art and Design $ 70,725.00 $ 42,435.00
Penmetsa, Gayatri Program Manager ROSS SCH PRISE $ 70,555.00 $ 70,555.00
Gouin, Nancy Program Manager Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 70,133.32 $ 35,066.65
Poszywak, Kelly K Program Manager Medical Education $ 69,742.96 $ 0.00
Ranella, Michael Joseph Program Manager UMH Cardiovascular Ctr Admin $ 69,530.00 $ 0.00
Hall, Trudy Tawana Program Manager UMH Ofc/Multicultural Health $ 69,175.69 $ 0.00
Webster, Ida Faye Program Manager Graduate School Administration $ 69,000.00 $ 69,000.00
Zhu, Zhen Z Program Manager LSA II:International Institute $ 68,640.00 $ 34,320.00
Zhu, Zhen Z Program Manager Confucius Institute $ 68,640.00 $ 34,320.00
Picinotti, Allison Renee Program Manager Internal Medicine Department $ 68,428.94 $ 0.00
Geyer, Julie K Program Manager College of Pharmacy $ 68,420.00 $ 68,420.00
Armstrong, Sara Program Manager Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach $ 68,000.00 $ 68,000.00
Hirsch, John Albert Program Manager Facilities Electrical Maint. $ 67,918.41 $ 0.00
Neale, Chinyere Program Manager Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000.00
Neice, Janet Program Manager Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000.00
Sestili, Rebecca A Program Manager Library Publish - General $ 66,976.08 $ 33,488.04
Cushnier, Susan D Program Manager Dbn Col of Arts Sci & Letters $ 66,974.01 $ 66,974.01
Lewis, Inel J Program Manager Diversity & Career Develop $ 66,939.75 $ 0.00
DeGuzman, Chanel Program Manager Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 66,664.00 $ 66,664.00
Berauer, Linda M Program Manager Ofc Provost & Exec VP Acad Aff $ 66,642.00 $ 0.00
Turner, Laura Ley Program Manager Alumni Association $ 66,635.00 $ 0.00
Pinder-Grover, Tershia A Program Manager Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach $ 66,416.96 $ 66,416.96
Brandt, Samantha Truax Program Manager Facilities Mntce/Work Control $ 66,300.00 $ 0.00
Bazemore, Henry E Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 65,894.65 $ 65,894.65
Sarigiannis, Amy N Program Manager Epidemiology Department $ 65,623.00 $ 32,811.50
Applewhite, Angela Denise Program Manager UMH - MiBOQI Project $ 65,417.00 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 5

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