List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Program M 131
Maximum Salary:$ 171,000.00
Average Salary:$ 69,903.90
Minimum Salary:$ 31,251.99

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Morgan, Kevin Thomas Program Manager Energy Management Office $ 68,666.40 $ 68,666.40
Kall, Aaron Leonard Program Manager Student Activities and Leaders $ 68,340.00 $ 0.00
Olson, Eric David Program Manager Ross SCH Supply Chain Mgmt $ 68,340.00 $ 68,340.00
Harris, Michelle A Program Manager UMH Interpreters Program $ 68,078.61 $ 0.00
Dieball, Jacqueline J Program Manager UMHS Human Resources $ 67,775.55 $ 0.00
Guinn, Susan Elaine Program Manager Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev $ 67,441.00 $ 67,441.00
Brown, Kelly Ann Program Manager Flint Dept Pub Hlth - Hlth Sci $ 66,647.59 $ 33,323.80
Zhu, Zhen Z Program Manager LSA II:International Institute $ 66,300.00 $ 33,150.00
Zhu, Zhen Z Program Manager Confucius Institute $ 66,138.00 $ 33,069.00
Gouin, Nancy S Program Manager Flint Dept Pub Hlth - Hlth Sci $ 65,604.25 $ 32,802.12
Hall, Trudy Tawana Program Manager UMH Ofc/Multicultural Health $ 65,363.37 $ 0.00
Durbeck, Heidi Program Manager Graduate School Administration $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Linn, Fiona Louise Program Manager Office of the General Counsel $ 65,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Bazemore, Henry E Program Manager Flint Educational Opportunity $ 64,596.27 $ 64,596.27
Berauer, Linda M Program Manager Ofc Provost - Exec VP Acad Aff $ 64,530.00 $ 0.00
Cushnier, Susan D Program Manager Dbn Col of Arts Sci - Letters $ 64,484.00 $ 64,484.00
Lewis, Inel J Program Manager MSA Diversity - Career Develop $ 64,340.40 $ 64,340.40
Sestili, Rebecca A Program Manager Ofc Provost - Exec VP Acad Aff $ 64,216.00 $ 32,108.00
Sestili, Rebecca A Program Manager UM Cnter for Ethics $ 64,158.00 $ 32,079.00
Helaire, Lumas Joseph Program Manager OAMI Admin $ 63,900.00 $ 63,900.00
Thomas, Michael T Program Manager Dbn Acad Support Outreach Serv $ 63,744.00 $ 63,744.00
Pinder-Grover, Tershia A Program Manager Ctr for Res on Learn - Teach $ 63,681.83 $ 63,681.83
Swinburn, Tracy Program Manager Health Management and Policy $ 63,000.00 $ 0.00
Poszywak, Kelly K Program Manager MSA Medical Education $ 62,870.93 $ 62,870.93
Sarigiannis, Amy N Program Manager Epidemiology Department $ 62,373.00 $ 0.00
Doyle, David M Program Manager Treasurer-s Office $ 62,220.24 $ 0.00
Starr, Mary L Program Manager LSA UG: IDEA Institute $ 61,843.00 $ 46,382.25
Turner, Laura Ley Program Manager Alumni Association $ 61,609.42 $ 0.00
Crosby, Dinella Lavon Program Manager MSA Diversity - Career Develop $ 61,206.50 $ 61,206.50
Wiley, Sandra K Program Manager School of Kinesiology $ 61,104.00 $ 61,104.00
Page: 3 of 5

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