List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 86
Maximum Salary:$ 156,077.54
Average Salary:$ 115,886.23
Minimum Salary:$ 93,500.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Tackett, Sara Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 HFT NP/PA Inpatient Team $ 121,182.88 $ 0.00
Fox, Heather Marie Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 CW Adult BMT & Leukemia Clinic $ 120,396.69 $ 0.00
Jordan, Jessica Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 CW Ped Cardiology - Tech $ 120,210.45 $ 0.00
Higgins, Timothy Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 CW Adult BMT & Leukemia Clinic $ 119,482.06 $ 0.00
Coles, Diane Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 HFT NP/PA Inpatient Team $ 118,356.81 $ 0.00
DuBois, Elizabeth Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Intensive Insulin PA Tech $ 118,297.08 $ 0.00
Stewart, Alissa Ann Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Radiation Oncology $ 118,051.31 $ 0.00
Fahey, Justin Matthew Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 BCSC Short Stay $ 118,023.61 $ 0.00
Ladiski, Jill Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Rad Onc Providence $ 117,874.49 $ 0.00
Vasquez-Cariaga, Alexander Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Cardiac Cath Lab Tech $ 117,654.75 $ 0.00
Sadovskaya, Irina N Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH - TC - Transplant Clinic $ 117,268.65 $ 0.00
McGranahan, Robert Lewis Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH BMT Inpt NP/PA Cancer Ctr $ 117,070.29 $ 0.00
Fox, Amanda Klein Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Blue Cancer Center $ 117,017.27 $ 0.00
Johnson, Crystal Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH - TC - Transplant Clinic $ 116,336.74 $ 0.00
Bruce, Julie A Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Hematology Inpatient PA $ 115,298.73 $ 0.00
Shaw-Gallagher, Marlene Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Hemodialysis Prof $ 115,250.41 $ 0.00
Bibart, Carla Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Rad Onc Providence $ 114,659.73 $ 0.00
Dec, Brandon Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH CVM Disease Management $ 114,494.88 $ 0.00
Lu, Ying Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Maize Cancer Center $ 114,434.03 $ 0.00
Qu, Yun Yan Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Intensive Insulin PA Tech $ 114,335.91 $ 0.00
Lassaline, Denise Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Sleep Laboratory $ 114,163.38 $ 0.00
Monsur, Simbiat Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Hemodialysis Prof $ 113,588.15 $ 0.00
Hughes, Bridget Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 BCSC CMC $ 113,431.33 $ 0.00
Topper, Amanda Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 BCSC CCC $ 112,969.50 $ 0.00
Carrero, Diana Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Cardiology Admin $ 112,347.40 $ 0.00
Firstenberg, Eric Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH CVM Disease Management $ 112,334.39 $ 0.00
Williams-Morad, Megan Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Gold Cancer Center $ 110,504.16 $ 0.00
Guifarro, Tatyana Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 Health Svc Clinic Operations $ 110,451.00 $ 0.00
Brieger, Mellissa Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Electrophysio Technical $ 110,199.19 $ 0.00
Bergeron, Katelyn Marie Physician Asst Med SubSpec T2 UMH Brighton Health Center $ 109,772.25 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 3

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