List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Patient Fin 15
Maximum Salary:$ 62,252.22
Average Salary:$ 51,431.56
Minimum Salary:$ 45,889.86

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Smith, Janice E Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 62,252.22 $ 0.00
Palansky, Diane L Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 61,165.19 $ 0.00
Erskine, Aunita L Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 60,413.02 $ 0.00
Hunt, Kristine M Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 52,809.59 $ 0.00
Nagel, Carol Lee Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 52,541.05 $ 0.00
Harsh, Sandra K Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 50,308.85 $ 0.00
Bowring, Pauline D Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 49,952.05 $ 0.00
Copeland-Lewis, Andrea M Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 49,597.61 $ 0.00
Taylor, Joan E Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 49,301.56 $ 0.00
Lowe, Lori R Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 48,439.08 $ 0.00
Sheldon, Sharon Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 48,010.91 $ 0.00
Ruffin, Mark Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 47,621.78 $ 0.00
Thornton, Suzanne M Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 46,840.90 $ 0.00
Lobdell, Alexis Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 46,329.70 $ 0.00
Deddeh, Bernadet Patient Financial Counselor UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 45,889.86 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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