List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: POSTAL CLERK 33
Maximum Salary:$ 37,315.20
Average Salary:$ 34,630.11
Minimum Salary:$ 31,678.40

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Rouse, Laura Beth POSTAL CLERK III Flint Materials Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Bolak, Vincent A POSTAL CLERK III ISR-Mail Room $ 37,315.20 $ 0.00
Goodloe, Loretta L POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Hudson, Wilmer G POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Mustazza, Sam Anthony POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Olson, Joseph R POSTAL CLERK III Library Finance and Facilities $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Riley, Dock POSTAL CLERK III MBS Aux Srvcs - Grn Rd Rental $ 37,315.20 $ 0.00
Robin, Johnnie Faye POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Schweitzer, Jeffrey Willia POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Walton, Linda Ann POSTAL CLERK III MBS Mail Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Southerland, Bonnie J POSTAL CLERK III Dbn General and Aux Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Haley, John J POSTAL CLERK III Flint Materials Services $ 37,315.20 $ 37,315.20
Hinton, Keith POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Smith, Roxie E POSTAL CLERK II Dbn General and Aux Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Williamson, Michael C POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Reed, Gerald E POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Parks, Preston D POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Forts, Marlon B POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Cottrell, Leo POSTAL CLERK II UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 34,985.60 $ 0.00
Castleberry, Ronald R POSTAL CLERK II UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 34,985.60 $ 0.00
Brown, Ladonna POSTAL CLERK II MBS Mail Services $ 34,985.60 $ 34,985.60
Asbell, Cindy L POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Wilson, Rita A POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Vogel, Deborah J POSTAL CLERK I MSA Facilities $ 31,678.40 $ 31,678.40
Truitt, Renia M POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Thrower, Ellestine POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Sorenson, Janice M POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Sester, Lizbeth A POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Perez, Violet M POSTAL CLERK I MSA Facilities $ 31,678.40 $ 31,678.40
Milspaugh, Dinah Jo POSTAL CLERK I UMH Mat-#39;l Svcs - Mail Room $ 31,678.40 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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