List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Office admin 23
Maximum Salary:$ 78,589.00
Average Salary:$ 59,163.76
Minimum Salary:$ 47,817.04

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bourland, Cynthia B Office Admin Inter Supr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 78,589.00 $ 78,589.00
Ainley, Stefanie L Office Administration Sr Supr ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 73,988.37 $ 73,988.37
Patton, Sheila Office Administration Sr Supr ROSS SCH Admin Core Team $ 67,040.13 $ 67,040.13
Newton, Debra Sue Office Admin Inter Supr MM Plastic Surgery Section $ 66,354.44 $ 0.00
Howe, Jaime Angela Office Admin Inter Supr LSA Psychology $ 66,212.52 $ 66,213.00
Franchi, Debra Jean Office Admin Inter Supr MM Geriatrics Center - AC $ 65,360.71 $ 0.00
Lazarska, Dominika Office Administration Sr Supr Flint Teaching Assistance $ 65,223.90 $ 65,223.90
Galkin, Amber Lily Office Admin Inter Supr Mechanical Engineering $ 61,800.00 $ 61,800.00
Berry, Kimberly Office Admin Assoc Supr LSA Opportunity Hub $ 61,799.94 $ 61,799.94
Klein, Carrie Office Admin Inter Supr MM Pediatrics-Neurology $ 59,280.00 $ 0.00
Samida, Debra J Office Admin Inter Supr Flint Graduate Programs $ 58,062.48 $ 58,062.48
Porter, Holli Office Admin Inter Supr MM Department of Radiology $ 57,912.26 $ 0.00
Mitera, Brenda M Office Admin Assoc Supr MM Livonia Clinic Main $ 57,527.58 $ 0.00
Oliver, Barbara J Office Admin Inter Supr LSA UG: Science Learning Ctr. $ 57,226.80 $ 57,227.00
Maiville, Alisa Office Admin Inter Supr School of Nursing $ 56,650.00 $ 0.00
Osinski, Jessica Erin Office Admin Inter Supr MM Pediatrics-Gastroenterology $ 56,567.68 $ 0.00
Hamden, Jessica Office Admin Inter Supr MM Psychiatry Admin-Central $ 54,212.08 $ 54,212.08
King, Laura Office Admin Assoc Supr UMOR Animal Care & Use Office $ 51,000.00 $ 51,000.00
Cahill, Jill Office Admin Assoc Supr MM Pediatrics-Genetics $ 50,544.00 $ 0.00
Belcher, John Office Admin Assoc Supr ROSS SCH Operations $ 49,552.91 $ 49,552.94
Miller, Joan Tomi Office Admin Assoc Supr MM AA Meals on Wheels - Gifts $ 49,480.16 $ 0.00
Abdul-Azeem, Ahmed Office Admin Assoc Supr ROSS SCH Operations $ 48,564.46 $ 48,564.48
Amr, Mary Nel Acierto Office Admin Assoc Supr MM Path MLabs Division $ 47,817.04 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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