List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Nurse anesth 93
Maximum Salary:$ 185,000.00
Average Salary:$ 175,830.75
Minimum Salary:$ 169,208.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kellogg, Sheila Anne Nurse Anesthetist Senior UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 185,000.00 $ 0.00
Neff, Mary P Nurse Anesthetist Senior UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 182,661.00 $ 0.00
Haney, Terri L Nurse Anesthetist Senior UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 182,661.00 $ 0.00
Gibbs, Lora Ann Nurse Anesthetist Senior UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 182,661.00 $ 0.00
Ball, Debra J Nurse Anesthetist Senior UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 182,661.00 $ 0.00
Phan, Thuy V NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Williams, Alicia Ruhl NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Potthoff, M Robin NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Quinn, Patrick J NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Rabe, Patricia Welsh NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Rutter, Wendy O NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Samoray, Kathryn Ann NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Sauerwald, John W NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Schreiner, Kimberly Schymik NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Walsh, Suzanne Marie NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Wetzel, Laura E NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Webb, Susan Jane NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
LaBelle, Stephanie Woodward NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Olson, William S NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
O'Neill, John F NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Mitchell, Shannon NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Miller, Lynn E NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
McEachern, Jennifer Gayle NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Masserant, John F NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
MacNeil, Emily T NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Lucier, Marc NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Long, William NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Loerlein, Lisa Marie NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Lewis, Suzanne M NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - UH $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Kinney, Janet NURSE ANESTHETIST UMH Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 175,635.20 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 4

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