List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Nurse aid 120
Maximum Salary:$ 31,470.40
Average Salary:$ 30,138.33
Minimum Salary:$ 28,995.20

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Howard, Shelia V NURSE AIDE II UMH 5B Internal Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Hoxey, Terah Rose NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Humphrey, Joy L NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6B Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Hunter, Jeanette M NURSE AIDE II UMH 5B Internal Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Igwegbe, Joel I NURSE AIDE II UMH 5A Ortho/Trauma $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Jackson, Erika Denise NURSE AIDE II UMH Nsg Mott Ped ICU $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
James, Roderick R NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Johnson, Gloria Doreen NURSE AIDE II UMH 5A Ortho/Trauma $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Justice, Chemari Lamoya NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6A $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Karoub, Katherine R NURSE AIDE II UMH 5A Ortho/Trauma $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Keller, Dawn NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6B Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Kolenc, Joseph P NURSE AIDE II UMH NSG Mott 6M $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Krichbaum, Sonam Lhamo NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Kunze, April Marie NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Leduc, Jacqueline M NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6B Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Massey, Eric D NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6A $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Massey, Erica Michelle NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6A $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
McGuirk, Angela L NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
McLaughlin, Cromer D NURSE AIDE II UMH 5B Internal Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Mckenzie, Suesen Lin NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6A $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Mindja, Helene Ngansop NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Nobles, Angela D NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 6A $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Osei-Bonsu, Rita NURSE AIDE II UMH 5A Ortho/Trauma $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Paquette, Angeline NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 8B Gyn/Onc $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Parks, Mary L NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 5C Surgery $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Patterson, Latasha Nicole NURSE AIDE II UMH 5B Internal Medicine $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Petrancosta, Jamie Lee NURSE AIDE II UMH 5A Ortho/Trauma $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Powell, Andrea Larsh NURSE AIDE II UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Powers, Cameron L NURSE AIDE II UMH Hem/Onc 8A Bmt $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Rawls-Galbreath, Joyce L NURSE AIDE II UMH NSG Mott 6M $ 29,848.00 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 4

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