List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Multimedia Svcs Position 8
Maximum Salary:$ 69,601.27
Average Salary:$ 46,122.32
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.04

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Westfall Jr, John B Multimedia Svcs Position Ld LRC - Multimedia Development $ 69,601.27 $ 0.00
Lillie, Brian P Multimedia Svcs Position Sr Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 54,999.88 $ 55,000.00
Sandusky, Brandon Multimedia Svcs Position Inter CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 45,000.02 $ 22,500.00
Stephens, Marc R Multimedia Svcs Position Inter LRC - Multimedia Development $ 42,146.59 $ 0.00
Schmitt, Eleanor Multimedia Svcs Position Inter Library Learn&Teach-DMC Media $ 40,800.00 $ 40,800.00
Quirk, Matthew A Multimedia Svcs Position Inter LSA History of Art $ 39,217.96 $ 19,608.98
Quirk, Matthew A Multimedia Svcs Position Inter Instructional Support Services $ 39,212.76 $ 19,606.38
Johnson, Joel Multimedia Svcs Position Inter Michigan Photography $ 38,000.04 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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