List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Multifunction services 11
Maximum Salary:$ 75,161.63
Average Salary:$ 67,146.79
Minimum Salary:$ 58,567.50

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Moore, Gordon L Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM CW Environmental Svs-MN $ 75,161.63 $ 0.00
Stines, Andrew Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Facilities $ 71,070.00 $ 0.00
Sanders, Clifton Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Scheffler, Nathan Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00
Rosemond, Jermaine Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 69,125.06 $ 0.00
Barford, Willie Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM CW Environmental Svs-Days $ 65,760.00 $ 0.00
Garnett, Omahr Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 65,760.00 $ 0.00
Severe, Valese Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM OR - CW EVS $ 65,246.25 $ 0.00
Aqlan, Abdulrahman Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM CW Environmental Svs-EVE $ 64,424.25 $ 0.00
Grier, Terry Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs-MN $ 63,500.00 $ 0.00
Ganas, Jonathan Multifunction Services Sr Supr MM Environmental Svcs - DAYS $ 58,567.50 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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