List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Multifunction Svcs Assoc Sup 20
Maximum Salary:$ 47,695.18
Average Salary:$ 39,833.65
Minimum Salary:$ 32,835.14

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Anderson, Kathy Maria Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 47,695.18 $ 0.00
Harris, Dorothy Jean Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 45,422.78 $ 0.00
Freeman, Curtis B Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 43,708.86 $ 0.00
King, Patricia A Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 43,496.96 $ 0.00
Koback, Roger Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 42,178.50 $ 0.00
Stone, Judy B Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Laundry Distribution $ 41,522.52 $ 0.00
James, Dolly Jo Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Patient Equip $ 41,215.98 $ 0.00
Meads, Chiquita Denise Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Laundry Production $ 41,000.96 $ 0.00
Pogue, Lakita R Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Pat Transportation $ 40,929.98 $ 0.00
Thrower, Brenda Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 40,844.96 $ 0.00
Bodell, Jeffrey Lynn Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Laundry Production $ 40,844.70 $ 0.00
Miller, Gary W Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr School of Music $ 40,489.02 $ 40,489.02
Houser, Matthew Charles Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Laundry Production $ 39,783.90 $ 0.00
Roberts, Blake A Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr Palmer Commons $ 37,787.88 $ 37,787.88
Bradley, Andrea M Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 37,634.48 $ 0.00
Sparks, Douglas Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Pat Transportation $ 37,570.78 $ 0.00
Conway, JoAnne Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs-Administration $ 35,349.60 $ 0.00
Burke, Judy R Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Pat Transportation $ 33,472.92 $ 0.00
Jackson, Peggi Ann Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 32,887.92 $ 0.00
Aquino, Leoncio F Multifunction Svcs Assoc Supr UMH Pat Transportation $ 32,835.14 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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