List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Meeting/special 10
Maximum Salary:$ 46,298.00
Average Salary:$ 41,887.17
Minimum Salary:$ 32,065.02

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Swanson, Birgit Olivia Meeting/Special Events Planner SOE-Affiliates $ 46,298.00 $ 0.00
Jones, Beth Meeting/Special Events Planner SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 46,127.27 $ 0.00
Davis, Marybeth Meeting/Special Events Planner ROSS SCH Zell Lurie Institute $ 44,497.00 $ 0.00
Silver, Nancy B Meeting/Special Events Planner OUA AVP and Operations $ 44,327.50 $ 26,596.50
Martin, Clifton Meeting/Special Events Planner G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 43,500.08 $ 30,450.00
Foerster, Bernadette C Meeting/Special Events Planner Unions-Food Service $ 41,209.02 $ 0.00
Molloy, Valerie Ann Meeting/Special Events Planner Ross School Operations $ 40,839.00 $ 40,839.00
Swanson, Chrissa Meeting/Special Events Planner Unions-Food Service $ 40,008.86 $ 0.00
Getchell, Michelle Meeting/Special Events Planner Graham Environ. Sustain. Inst. $ 39,999.96 $ 40,000.00
Trombley, Kimberly Nicole Meeting/Special Events Planner A. Alfred Taubman CA&UP Adm $ 32,065.02 $ 32,065.00
Page: 1 of 1

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