List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Maintenance mechanic 149
Maximum Salary:$ 61,110.40
Average Salary:$ 57,709.95
Minimum Salary:$ 49,171.20

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Crawford, Shannon B MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities Centra $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Dankert II, Robert MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Dekarske, Jacob MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Diaz, Jeffrey L MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Recreational Sports Dept $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Dickerson, Matthew K MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Enselman, Matthew MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Faeth, Norbert Heinrich MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Central Campus W Region $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Hargrow Jr, M L MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Building Services $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Mullins, Dennis W MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Grounds Services $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Opp, Carl J MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Recreational Sports Dept $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Pacheco, Loriana Teresa MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities North $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Palmer, Martilleo MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities Centra $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Reed, James E MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Schoel, Justin MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Smith, Carl D MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II North Campus Region $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Stephens, Eddie L MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities North $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Tackett, Travis MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities Centra $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Tickner, Matthew A MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Student Life Facilities North $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Wiley, Rodney P MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Young, Amber MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II MM Maintenance $ 56,180.80 $ 0.00
Barbee, Frank MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II DBN-Facilities Operations $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Cannon, Winston D MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Dbn Physical Plant-Bldg Maint $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Gibson, Michael MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II DBN-Facilities Operations $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Michelson, Ian MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Dbn Physical Plant-Bldg Maint $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Wallace, Nathan MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Dbn Physical Plant-Bldg Maint $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Keefer, Jeremy MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Flint Facilities & Operations $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
LaFeldt, Terry MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II Flint Facilities & Operations $ 56,180.80 $ 56,180.80
Anderson, Clayton MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I North Campus Region $ 50,440.00 $ 0.00
Balang, Ma Sabrina MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I North Campus Region $ 50,440.00 $ 0.00
Birt, Andrew MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I MM Maintenance $ 50,440.00 $ 0.00
Page: 4 of 5

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