List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: MRI tech 34
Maximum Salary:$ 61,839.96
Average Salary:$ 59,787.22
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.08

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ladouceur, Robert F MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Yarbrough, Timothy Scott MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
VanHeusen, Kelly Lynn MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Underwood II, William L MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Underhill, Janie Marie MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Spremo, Dragan MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Shattock, Steven MRI Technologist UMH- East Ann Arbor RAD $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Rohrer, Suzan E MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Ramm, Linda G MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology - Mott $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Peters, Jennifer Emily MRI Technologist UMH- East Ann Arbor RAD $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
OConnor III, James Laurel MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Nuttmann, Caroline C MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
McGarry, Marcia M MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
McCall, Shannon M MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Adams, Lesli J MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Hession, Karen A MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Blaesing, Catherine M MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Happ, Dorothea F MRI Technologist UMH- East Ann Arbor RAD $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Bouru, Daniela MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology - Mott $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Dudek, Nancy A MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Dalton, Rebecca Lyn MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Collins, Susan A MRI Technologist UMH- East Ann Arbor RAD $ 61,839.96 $ 0.00
Kamani, Chaula MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 60,627.06 $ 0.00
Pedlar, Tamra MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 59,438.08 $ 0.00
Gordon, Blain John MRI Technologist UMH- East Ann Arbor RAD $ 58,273.02 $ 0.00
Braid, Michael Edward MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 58,273.02 $ 0.00
Buendia, Louis William MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 58,273.02 $ 0.00
Sturgill, Kimberly MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology - Mott $ 58,273.02 $ 0.00
Thorne, Rebecca Ann MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 56,525.04 $ 0.00
Addy, Brittany MRI Technologist UMH - Radiology UH $ 54,647.06 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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