List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: MOVER 23
Maximum Salary:$ 62,940.80
Average Salary:$ 60,357.08
Minimum Salary:$ 51,958.40

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stanfield, Brian MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Smith, Matthew MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Richley, Nicholas MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Perrine, Shawn MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Miles, Donovan MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
McGregor, Joseph MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
McCloskey, Ryan MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
LaMothe, Justin MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Barnett, Dante MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Burgess, Adam MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Howard, James MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Inman, Tyler MOVER III Movers Department $ 62,940.80 $ 0.00
Haveman, Erik MOVER III Movers Department $ 61,588.80 $ 0.00
Jiles, Kevin MOVER III Movers Department $ 61,588.80 $ 0.00
Warren, Andrew MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Sweeny, Clayton C MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
McPeake, Christopher M MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Jovanovic, Nemanja MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Austin, Trevor MOVER II LSA Dean: Facilities $ 60,382.40 $ 60,382.40
Burns, Mark MOVER I LSA Dean: Facilities $ 51,958.40 $ 51,958.40
Tessens, Dylan MOVER I LSA Dean: Facilities $ 51,958.40 $ 51,958.40
Mussio, Douglas MOVER I LSA Dean: Facilities $ 51,958.40 $ 51,958.40
Little, Robert L MOVER I Student Life Facilities North $ 51,958.40 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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