List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo lect 1449
Maximum Salary:$ 769,791.00
Average Salary:$ 56,283.99
Minimum Salary:$ 27,300.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 17 of 49
Name Title Department FTR GF
Saillant, Jean M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 55,989.95 $ 55,989.95
Brienza, Joyce LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 55,918.54 $ 55,918.54
Carpenter, Lynn L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 55,857.10 $ 7,261.44
Carpenter, Lynn L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 55,857.09 $ 37,424.26
Mpesha, Nyambura LEO Lecturer IV LSA DAAS $ 55,832.77 $ 55,832.77
Havrilcsak, Gregory M LEO Lecturer IV Flint History $ 55,813.97 $ 55,813.97
McDaniel, Raymond Clark LEO Lecturer III LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 55,713.37 $ 55,713.37
Eriksson, Johanna Ulrika LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 55,680.25 $ 55,680.25
Graham, Gwendolyn LEO Lecturer II SOE- Teacher Education $ 55,621.44 $ 13,905.36
Robinson, Veronica E LEO Lecturer III Flint Nursing $ 55,609.36 $ 55,609.36
Okuno, Tomoko LEO Lecturer III LSA UG: Residential College $ 55,545.20 $ 55,545.20
Marek, David Kenneth LEO Lecturer III LSA Screen Arts & Cultures $ 55,280.00 $ 55,280.00
Nichols, Dana LEO Lecturer IV LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 55,280.00 $ 37,037.60
Nichols, Dana LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language & Lit. $ 55,280.00 $ 18,242.40
McCarthy, Michael B LEO Lecturer II Flint School of Management $ 55,096.40 $ 55,096.40
Bush, Peter J LEO Lecturer II Flint School of Management $ 54,960.11 $ 27,480.06
Al-Qaisi, Samia M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 54,917.30 $ 54,917.30
Goodenough, Elizabeth N LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 54,863.55 $ 27,431.78
Espinoza-Pino, Cristhian Carlo LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 54,768.26 $ 54,768.26
Wagonlander, Charles F LEO Lecturer IV Flint Comm and Visual Arts $ 54,757.63 $ 41,068.23
Kirschenmann, Mark Steven LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 54,736.79 $ 27,368.40
Woods, Ronald C LEO Lecturer II LSA DAAS $ 54,732.19 $ 27,366.10
Sessolo, Simone LEO Lecturer III LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 54,654.74 $ 54,654.74
Gabaron, Sabine G LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 54,626.19 $ 54,626.19
Toebosch, Annemarie LEO Lecturer III LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 54,584.90 $ 54,584.90
Aghaei, Behrad LEO Lecturer II LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 54,549.58 $ 5,225.85
Primorac, Kristina LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 54,495.83 $ 54,495.83
Margomenou, Despina LEO Lecturer IV LSA Classical Studies $ 54,467.74 $ 54,467.74
McCaffery, Rhonda Lorraine LEO Lecturer II CoE Undergraduate Education $ 54,321.44 $ 54,321.44
Draper Jr, James LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication Studies $ 54,260.41 $ 54,260.48
Page: 17 of 49

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