List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo lect 1425
Maximum Salary:$ 336,715.25
Average Salary:$ 64,825.79
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 22 of 48
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wiess, Janelle Lynn LEO Lecturer IV Flint English $ 57,384.46 $ 57,384.46
Burde, Mark LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,320.00 $ 57,320.00
LaRoche, Jennifer Marie LEO Lecturer II School of Kinesiology $ 57,320.00 $ 57,320.00
McMillan, Liana LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 57,298.80 $ 57,298.80
Frelinghuysen, Jessica R LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art - Design $ 57,227.04 $ 57,227.04
Zelner, Sarah W LEO Lecturer I LSA Sociology $ 57,191.92 $ 19,059.28
La Commare, Katherine Spencer LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 57,142.87 $ 57,142.87
Arnaboldi, Michela LEO Lecturer II LSA Earth - Environmental Sci. $ 57,107.87 $ 57,107.84
Manos, Melanie Viola LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art - Design $ 57,085.24 $ 57,085.24
Marcum, Anthony Scott LEO Lecturer III LSA II: Prg Intl Comp Studies $ 57,000.00 $ 57,000.00
White, Mark LEO Lecturer I SOE-Educational Studies $ 56,993.28 $ 7,124.16
Klionsky, Lisa R LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 56,892.16 $ 30,821.36
Des Jardins, Deborah Hollands LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: English Language Inst $ 56,868.72 $ 56,868.72
Hansen, Christina LEO Lecturer II Coll of Arch - Urban Planning $ 56,773.95 $ 28,387.04
Klingelhofer, Rachel Rennie LEO Lecturer I SOE- Teacher Education $ 56,761.54 $ 45,409.28
Anthony, Maureen LEO Lecturer II Flint Nursing $ 56,742.47 $ 15,121.92
Alsayegh, Wijdan LEO Lecturer II LSA Middle East Studies $ 56,648.20 $ 56,648.24
Kocher, Austin Christopher LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 56,600.00 $ 28,300.00
Snodgrass, John M LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 56,533.64 $ 56,533.68
Rodriguez Mojica, Amaryllis LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 56,500.00 $ 56,500.00
Kern, Kathy Lamet LEO Lecturer IV School of Kinesiology $ 56,472.40 $ 56,472.40
Slater, Jill A LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 56,363.66 $ 56,363.66
Macias, Laura LEO Lecturer III Flint Social Work $ 56,222.40 $ 56,222.40
Dooley, Paul Michael LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre-Dance $ 56,096.34 $ 28,048.17
Sabolish, Jeffrey J LEO Lecturer I Flint School of Management $ 56,004.24 $ 28,002.16
Mayer, Lisa Ann LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre-Dance $ 56,000.00 $ 28,000.00
Rama, Rashmi LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 56,000.00 $ 56,000.00
Swennes, Erin S LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages - Lit. $ 56,000.00 $ 56,000.00
Gill, Pinderjeet K LEO Lecturer II LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 56,000.00 $ 56,000.00
Shkolnik, Nina LEO Lecturer II LSA Slavic Languages - Lit. $ 56,000.00 $ 56,000.00
Page: 22 of 48

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