2018-19 University of Michigan Salaries | Page 13 of 48 |
Name |
Title |
Department |
GF |
Knuth, Aric David |
LEO Lecturer IV |
LSA English Language - Lit. |
$ 72,863.79 |
$ 72,863.79 |
Wong, Shaomin |
LEO Lecturer III |
Coll of Arch - Urban Planning |
$ 72,800.00 |
$ 72,800.00 |
Diaz, Kimberly Khalsa |
LEO Lecturer I |
EECS - CSE Division |
$ 72,800.00 |
$ 72,800.00 |
Castaneda, Carol Ann |
LEO Lecturer III |
LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies |
$ 72,800.00 |
$ 36,400.00 |
Castaneda, Carol Ann |
LEO Lecturer III |
LSA Chemistry |
$ 72,800.00 |
$ 36,400.00 |
Alfano, Kenneth M |
LEO Lecturer IV |
CoE Undergraduate Education |
$ 72,799.52 |
$ 72,799.52 |
Knesek, Gerald |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Flint School of Management |
$ 72,789.96 |
$ 72,789.96 |
Fowler, Robin Revette |
LEO Lecturer IV |
CoE Undergraduate Education |
$ 72,785.62 |
$ 72,785.62 |
Zahn, Walburga Anna |
LEO Lecturer IV |
CoE Undergraduate Education |
$ 72,785.62 |
$ 72,785.62 |
Stewart, Ogie G |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences |
$ 72,645.88 |
$ 72,645.88 |
Wandmacher, Stevens F |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Flint Philosophy |
$ 72,621.64 |
$ 72,621.64 |
Kubena, Angela Karen |
LEO Lecturer IV |
LSA Mathematics |
$ 72,540.59 |
$ 72,540.59 |
Kligerman, Mark William |
LEO Lecturer II |
LSA FilmTelevisionand Media |
$ 72,337.04 |
$ 72,337.04 |
Glenn, Tammie B |
LEO Lecturer II |
School of Social Work |
$ 72,288.00 |
$ 54,216.00 |
Deska, Thomas James |
LEO Lecturer III |
Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies |
$ 72,275.00 |
$ 72,275.00 |
Lee, Cindy Zuozon |
LEO Lecturer III |
Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies |
$ 72,275.00 |
$ 72,275.00 |
Young, Lisa C |
LEO Lecturer IV |
LSA Anthropology |
$ 72,175.41 |
$ 48,122.96 |
Asenova, Asenka Cvetkova |
LEO Lecturer I |
LSA Economics |
$ 72,151.87 |
$ 72,151.92 |
Viers, Yannick A |
LEO Lecturer IV |
LSA Romance Languages - Lit. |
$ 72,119.12 |
$ 72,119.12 |
Fredrickson, Mark |
LEO Lecturer I |
LSA Statistics |
$ 72,007.20 |
$ 23,996.40 |
Rosic, Marija |
LEO Lecturer II |
LSA Slavic Languages - Lit. |
$ 72,002.28 |
$ 36,001.14 |
Daassa, Mohamed |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Flint History |
$ 71,990.04 |
$ 17,997.51 |
McBride, Brian Lee |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Flint Computer Science |
$ 71,976.52 |
$ 71,976.52 |
Niciejewski, Rick J |
LEO Lecturer I |
CoE Undergraduate Education |
$ 71,833.70 |
$ 28,733.48 |
Nichols, Larry |
LEO Lecturer II |
Flint School of Management |
$ 71,804.96 |
$ 53,853.76 |
Wisniewski, Elaine Christine |
LEO Lecturer IV |
CoE Undergraduate Education |
$ 71,700.42 |
$ 71,700.42 |
D'Anieri, Philip James |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Urban and Regional Planning |
$ 71,671.88 |
$ 35,835.94 |
Etezady, Roshanne S |
LEO Lecturer IV |
School of MusicTheatre-Dance |
$ 71,656.91 |
$ 71,656.91 |
Vecchiola, Carla |
LEO Lecturer IV |
Dbn CASL-Social Sciences |
$ 71,638.50 |
$ 17,909.63 |
Walton, Susan Pratt |
LEO Lecturer IV |
School of MusicTheatre-Dance |
$ 71,620.40 |
$ 17,905.10 |
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