List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo lect 1348
Maximum Salary:$ 355,487.13
Average Salary:$ 70,132.17
Minimum Salary:$ 40,290.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 15 of 45
Name Title Department FTR GF
Nazari, Ali LEO Lecturer I LSA Mathematics $ 74,160.00 $ 36,663.36
Ware, Margaret L LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 74,151.28 $ 74,151.28
Tucker, Mark E LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Lloyd Scholars- W&A $ 74,062.04 $ 24,681.18
Rubin, Kathleen Kirby LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 73,937.97 $ 73,107.20
Uehling, Greta L LEO Lecturer II LSA II: Prg Intl Comp Studies $ 73,847.73 $ 73,018.00
Kirschenmann, Mark Steven LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 73,563.61 $ 36,781.81
Pons Hervas, Maria Dolores LEO Lecturer IV Flint Foreign Language $ 73,511.27 $ 73,511.27
Ionina-Prasov, Marina LEO Lecturer IV Flint Dept of Chem/Biochem $ 73,304.30 $ 73,304.30
Westwalewicz, Piotr Antoni LEO Lecturer IV LSA Slavic Languages & Lit. $ 73,245.89 $ 73,245.89
Lawsin, Emily P LEO Lecturer IV LSA American Culture $ 73,018.86 $ 24,333.54
Lawsin, Emily P LEO Lecturer IV LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 73,018.81 $ 48,685.29
Brandolino, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 73,014.74 $ 24,094.87
Brandolino, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language & Lit. $ 73,014.70 $ 48,919.85
Kabo, Valenta Loraine LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 72,840.00 $ 36,420.00
Goodenough, Elizabeth N LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 72,711.97 $ 36,355.99
Hetrick, James Michael LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 72,662.96 $ 72,662.96
Wigger, Claudia LEO Lecturer II Coll of Arch & Urban Planning $ 72,584.38 $ 54,438.29
Woods, Ronald C LEO Lecturer II LSA DAAS $ 72,569.68 $ 35,877.20
Eriksson, Johanna Ulrika LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 72,542.13 $ 72,542.13
Clark, George W LEO Lecturer III School of Social Work $ 72,496.00 $ 71,681.44
Travers, Martha Winona LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 72,388.16 $ 71,574.88
Edwards, Jeremy Ryan LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 72,320.50 $ 72,320.50
Coll Ramirez, Susanna LEO Lecturer III LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 72,318.88 $ 72,318.88
Primorac, Kristina LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 72,313.04 $ 72,313.04
Nesmith, Judy M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 72,279.79 $ 72,279.79
Gull, Maria E LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 72,221.30 $ 48,153.55
Boland, Patrick LEO Lecturer II LSA Mathematics $ 71,896.15 $ 71,088.40
VanVoorhis, Catherine L LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 71,798.77 $ 70,992.08
Havrilcsak, Gregory M LEO Lecturer IV Flint History $ 71,722.29 $ 17,930.57
Mpesha, Nyambura LEO Lecturer IV LSA DAAS $ 71,668.48 $ 71,668.48
Page: 15 of 45

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