List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo lect 1359
Maximum Salary:$ 365,326.09
Average Salary:$ 72,202.21
Minimum Salary:$ 43,000.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 46 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Nossoni, Zahra LEO Lecturer I Flint Dept of Chem/Biochem $ 43,000.00 $ 42,044.48
Ramos, Jodi R LEO Lecturer I Flint Education $ 43,000.00 $ 10,511.12
Sabbagh, Michael Lee LEO Lecturer I Flint Soc Anthropology & CJ $ 43,000.00 $ 10,511.12
Shattuck, Kraig S LEO Lecturer I Flint Psychology $ 43,000.00 $ 28,001.60
Smith, Melvin LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 43,000.00 $ 21,022.24
Spaulding, Shane LEO Lecturer I Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 43,000.00 $ 17,658.64
St-George, Megan E LEO Lecturer I Flint Soc Anthropology & CJ $ 43,000.00 $ 10,511.12
Wansitler, Colton Lee LEO Lecturer I Flint Fine & Performing Arts $ 43,000.00 $ 33,215.12
Wikaryasz, Hannah LEO Lecturer I Flint Teaching Assistance $ 43,000.00 $ 11,772.48
Page: 46 of 46

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