List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo lect 1217
Maximum Salary:$ 709,920.00
Average Salary:$ 46,698.62
Minimum Salary:$ 6,523.64

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 6 of 41
Name Title Department FTR GF
Malone, Paula A LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 63,491.56 $ 63,491.56
Hassinger, Jane A LEO Lecturer IV LSA Women-#39;s Studies $ 63,456.65 $ 31,728.32
Tao, Hilda Hsi-Huei LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 63,164.17 $ 63,164.17
Ringenberg, Jeffrey Stuart LEO Lecturer I COE EECS - CSE Division $ 63,036.00 $ 56,732.40
Madden, Carolyn LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language Institute $ 63,016.99 $ 63,016.99
Gottfried, Amy C LEO Lecturer III LSA Chemistry $ 62,424.00 $ 62,424.00
O'Donnell, Patrick M LEO Lecturer IV Flint Mpa Program $ 62,412.75 $ 62,412.75
Rowland, Martha R LEO Lecturer III Dbn Sch of Mgt-Acctg and Finance $ 62,400.00 $ 62,400.00
Brown, Kelly Ann LEO Lecturer III Flint Health Science and Admin $ 62,400.00 $ 16,286.40
Hartge, Timothy D LEO Lecturer III Dbn Sch of Mgmt-Mgmt Studies $ 62,400.00 $ 62,400.00
Meisler, Richard A LEO Lecturer IV LSA American Culture $ 62,059.85 $ 62,059.85
Ross, Deborah Pennell LEO Lecturer IV LSA Classical Studies $ 61,842.76 $ 61,842.76
Lopez-Cotin, Olga Maria LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 61,673.79 $ 61,673.79
Lockard, John M LEO Lecturer II LSA CAAS $ 61,559.92 $ 20,930.40
Sowers, Cynthia A LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 61,527.66 $ 61,527.66
Thomas, Justin L LEO Lecturer III G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 61,500.00 $ 61,500.00
Urbiel Goldner, Andrea Christine LEO Lecturer I Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 61,482.36 $ 10,452.00
Ammerlaan, Marcus C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology and Evolutionary Bio $ 61,412.39 $ 30,706.20
Ammerlaan, Marcus C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 61,412.39 $ 30,706.20
Rubadeau, John W LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language and Lit. $ 61,261.20 $ 61,261.20
Basten, Jay H LEO Lecturer IV Division of Kinesiology $ 61,044.30 $ 61,044.30
Kybartas, Stashu LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,927.06 $ 60,927.06
Galerneau, Quentin J LEO Lecturer IV Flint Department of CSESP $ 60,883.57 $ 60,883.57
Wierba, Elizabeth E LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 60,799.63 $ 46,815.72
Delbanco, Elena LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 60,780.00 $ 60,780.00
Morse, David Lawrence LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 60,780.00 $ 60,780.00
Neu, Helene LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 60,585.95 $ 60,585.95
Rastalsky, Hartmut Maria LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages and Lit. $ 60,505.74 $ 60,505.74
McNamara, Christopher E LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,447.62 $ 60,447.62
Burnstein, James S LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 60,286.86 $ 40,693.63
Page: 6 of 41

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