List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Leo int 127
Maximum Salary:$ 1,291,301.33
Average Salary:$ 116,610.70
Minimum Salary:$ 27,830.74

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bienenstock, Martin Jay LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 1,291,301.33 $ 38,739.04
Canter, Anthony David LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 1,052,490.56 $ 29,469.72
Hirschel, Alison E LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 790,374.66 $ 47,422.48
Moscow, Cyril LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 739,050.66 $ 44,343.04
Gould, Dean J LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 645,644.00 $ 116,215.92
Niehuss, John Marvin LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 645,644.00 $ 77,477.28
Novak, Barbara Griffin LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 603,029.34 $ 36,181.76
Kethledge, Raymond M LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 599,000.00 $ 53,912.00
Mack, Curtis L LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 348,652.00 $ 20,919.12
Steinberg, Michael J LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 340,000.00 $ 51,000.00
Goldman, Edward B LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 338,333.34 $ 20,300.00
Buchanan, James M LEO Intermittent Lecturer CoE Ctr for Entrepreneurship $ 302,800.00 $ 30,280.00
Pasick, Robert S LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 270,000.00 $ 45,010.00
Hall, Jason Lance LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 257,148.75 $ 214,269.20
Uler, Neslihan LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 252,000.00 $ 20,979.04
Miller, Alan Stanley LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 222,222.22 $ 10,000.00
Goldberg, Marshall LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 169,167.12 $ 15,225.04
Wyatt, Bradley James LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 169,166.66 $ 10,150.00
McClure, Douglas G LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 169,166.66 $ 10,150.00
Wilson, Richard LEO Intermittent Lecturer Law School $ 166,666.66 $ 10,000.00
Sweetnam, James E LEO Intermittent Lecturer Ross School of Business $ 152,250.00 $ 44,418.96
Comstock, Matthew Colin LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 131,265.30 $ 11,256.00
Salmeen, Irving T LEO Intermittent Lecturer G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 115,878.78 $ 38,240.00
Bingham, C Raymond LEO Intermittent Lecturer Hlth Behavior and Hlth Ed Dept $ 109,130.00 $ 21,826.00
Kabo, Valenta Loraine LEO Intermittent Lecturer G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 107,120.00 $ 0.00
Ruff, Craig H LEO Intermittent Lecturer G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 90,244.44 $ 29,780.00
Bordley, Robert F LEO Intermittent Lecturer Industrial and Operations Engin $ 83,988.00 $ 25,196.40
Besprozvany, Vadim LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 83,636.00 $ 31,363.52
Cook, Jeffrey Arthur LEO Intermittent Lecturer Naval Arch and Marine Dept $ 81,275.86 $ 32,510.32
Marsik, Frank Joseph LEO Intermittent Lecturer CoE Undergraduate Education $ 80,652.60 $ 4,032.64
Page: 1 of 5

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