List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Laboratory/Classroom Svcs 41
Maximum Salary:$ 92,500.00
Average Salary:$ 46,933.14
Minimum Salary:$ 28,013.96

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ganago, Alexander O Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 92,500.00 $ 55,500.00
LaValle, Pablo P Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 92,247.00 $ 92,247.00
McIntyre, Keith H Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr Materials Science - Engin. $ 81,140.00 $ 81,140.00
Smith, Matthew J Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 79,725.00 $ 79,725.00
Bress, Thomas John Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Mechanical Engineering $ 75,583.00 $ 75,583.00
Yavaraski, Thomas P Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Civil - Environmental Engr $ 68,813.00 $ 68,813.00
Smith, Warren M Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr LSA Physics $ 65,263.00 $ 65,263.00
Vollmers, James J Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr LSA Chemistry $ 61,198.00 $ 61,198.00
Buswinka, Janet A Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr LSA Chemistry $ 60,908.00 $ 60,908.00
Breil, Craig J Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr MSA Medical Education $ 55,574.00 $ 55,574.00
Allen, Dennis M Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Mgr LSA Physics $ 55,525.00 $ 55,525.00
Hunsche, David F Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 53,954.94 $ 32,372.96
Bauer, Jennifer Christine Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Dbn Sch of Ed-Child Dev Center $ 51,496.52 $ 26,613.40
Eldred, Laura E Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 50,923.08 $ 0.00
Jackson, Dana Matthew Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Biomedical Engineering $ 50,750.00 $ 50,750.00
Drobeck, Dennis L Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 49,000.00 $ 49,000.00
Toulouse, Todd J Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Flint Chemistry $ 47,501.00 $ 47,501.00
Mitchell, Daniel A Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Flint Department of CSESP $ 45,482.00 $ 45,482.00
O'Connor, Joyce L Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor School of Nursing $ 43,203.42 $ 43,203.42
Burton, Edward Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr LSA Chemistry $ 42,450.00 $ 42,450.00
Kennedy, Mark Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 42,030.30 $ 21,015.02
King, Keith B Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Flint Earth - Resource Science $ 38,876.00 $ 38,876.00
Atherton, Larry W Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Flint Biology $ 37,803.00 $ 37,803.00
Murphy, Shannon Anne Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Astronomy $ 36,580.18 $ 36,580.18
Dourado, Sunil K Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor LSA Chemistry $ 35,999.86 $ 35,999.86
Brahce, Mark Z Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 35,599.98 $ 35,599.98
Pullman, Amanda D Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Flint Biology $ 34,666.58 $ 17,333.42
Krueger, Ann Marie Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 34,109.14 $ 27,287.26
Riley, Jack E Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Chemistry $ 34,050.12 $ 34,050.12
Kellner, Guenther Johannes Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Chemistry $ 33,909.98 $ 33,909.98
Page: 1 of 2

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