List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Laboratory/Classroom 45
Maximum Salary:$ 134,031.62
Average Salary:$ 65,639.39
Minimum Salary:$ 36,000.12

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Jackson, Samantha Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor LSA Chemistry $ 46,350.03 $ 46,350.02
Arnold, Nicholas Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 45,611.43 $ 45,610.94
Detlefs, James Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Physics $ 43,625.70 $ 43,626.04
Kubisiak, Thomas Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 42,899.42 $ 42,898.92
Hewitt, Breann Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor Flint Dept of Chem/Biochem $ 41,999.88 $ 42,000.00
Postell, Joshua Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Dbn Col of Eng & Computer Sci. $ 41,926.00 $ 41,926.00
Mehall, Robert Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Supr Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 40,800.00 $ 40,800.00
Tubbs, Bridgette Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech School of Nursing $ 39,727.10 $ 39,727.10
Criss, Amanda Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 39,646.72 $ 39,646.96
Condron, Kerigan Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Coor Flint Biology $ 39,499.98 $ 39,500.00
Grzymkowski, Kathleen Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 39,140.05 $ 39,140.04
Kotrba, Matthew Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 39,140.05 $ 39,140.04
Maliga, Hawaii Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Chemistry $ 39,140.05 $ 39,140.04
Gray, Corey Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 38,500.02 $ 38,500.00
McDonald, Patricia Michele Laboratory/Classroom Svcs Tech Flint Teaching Assistance $ 36,000.12 $ 18,000.00
Page: 2 of 2

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