List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO lecturer 1582
Maximum Salary:$ 418,577.94
Average Salary:$ 81,974.69
Minimum Salary:$ 50,988.71

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 17 of 53
Name Title Department FTR GF
Westwalewicz, Piotr Antoni LEO Lecturer IV LSA Slavic Languages & Lit. $ 87,919.64 $ 87,919.64
Marek, David Kenneth LEO Lecturer IV LSA FilmTelevisionand Media $ 87,645.13 $ 87,645.13
Ivanova, Magdalena Ilieva LEO Lecturer II LSA Biophysics $ 87,631.13 $ 55,286.80
Charara, Zaher LEO Lecturer III Flint School of Management $ 87,550.00 $ 87,550.00
Novak, Lisa A LEO Lecturer I Flint School of Management $ 87,550.00 $ 63,497.84
Ward, Jeffrey Wayne LEO Lecturer I LSA Economics $ 87,535.38 $ 82,829.20
Lazareva, Olga LEO Lecturer I LSA Economics $ 87,535.36 $ 55,226.32
Walker, James Cody LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language & Lit. $ 87,484.00 $ 87,484.00
Brandolino, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language & Lit. $ 87,484.00 $ 87,484.00
Molesky, Michael Joseph LEO Lecturer III Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 87,417.65 $ 87,417.65
Goodenough, Elizabeth N LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 87,294.13 $ 43,647.07
Daassa, Mohamed LEO Lecturer IV Flint Foreign Language $ 87,264.99 $ 87,264.99
Kasravi, Kas LEO Lecturer III Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 87,204.95 $ 87,204.95
Abou-Nasr, Mahmoud A LEO Lecturer III Dbn Col of Eng-Computer & Info $ 87,204.95 $ 87,204.95
Woods, Ronald C LEO Lecturer II LSA DAAS $ 87,127.42 $ 41,221.60
Eriksson, Johanna Ulrika LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 87,095.15 $ 87,095.15
Shapiro, Alison Ruth LEO Lecturer IV Stamps School of Art & Design $ 86,977.80 $ 86,977.80
Travers, Martha Winona LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 86,914.76 $ 82,241.92
Primorac, Kristina LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 86,826.76 $ 86,826.76
Pinto, James Abel LEO Lecturer III LSA English Language & Lit. $ 86,793.12 $ 57,864.97
Gull, Maria E LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 86,719.28 $ 57,820.08
Uehling, Greta L LEO Lecturer II LSA II: Prg Intl Comp Studies $ 86,515.92 $ 81,864.56
Stewart, Ogie G LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 86,458.07 $ 64,843.55
Wandmacher, Stevens F LEO Lecturer IV Flint Philosophy $ 86,429.89 $ 86,429.89
Brewer, David F LEO Lecturer I CFE Ctr for Entrepreneurship $ 86,400.00 $ 12,263.20
Budholiya, Saurabh LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 86,400.00 $ 32,701.92
Forche, Lindsey Ann LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 86,400.00 $ 8,175.52
Jugderkhuu, Bulgan LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 86,400.00 $ 16,350.96
Kausch, David Towler LEO Lecturer I LSA Mathematics $ 86,400.00 $ 40,877.44
Lee, Hongju LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 86,400.00 $ 16,350.96
Page: 17 of 53

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