List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO lecture 1379
Maximum Salary:$ 815,142.38
Average Salary:$ 56,038.44
Minimum Salary:$ 27,300.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Keyes, Patrick LEO Lecturer III Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Volkovich, Ilya LEO Lecturer I EECS - CSE Division $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Schreier, Shelly Gail-Zeff LEO Lecturer IV LSA Psychology $ 69,980.52 $ 69,980.50
Hogan, Chad Augustine LEO Lecturer II LSA Economics $ 69,806.68 $ 69,806.70
Stanzler, Jeffrey Adam LEO Lecturer III SOE-Educational Studies $ 69,727.43 $ 69,727.40
Denver, Sushama LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 69,618.64 $ 69,618.60
Eckhause, Tobias A LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 69,408.23 $ 69,408.20
Uler, Neslihan LEO Lecturer II LSA Economics $ 69,056.00 $ 23,012.90
Rodriguez, Maria I LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 68,933.44 $ 68,933.40
Balazovich, Kenneth J LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 68,925.86 $ 68,925.90
Hayden, Brian F LEO Lecturer I CoE Ctr for Entrepreneurship $ 68,740.00 $ 6,874.00
Gibson, Matthew LEO Lecturer I CoE Ctr for Entrepreneurship $ 68,666.67 $ 20,600.00
Wood, Laury J LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 68,589.32 $ 68,589.30
Van Lent, Colleen E LEO Lecturer IV School of Information $ 68,587.00 $ 68,587.00
Wierba, Elizabeth E LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 68,583.40 $ 22,855.40
Frye, David L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Anthropology $ 68,519.45 $ 51,389.60
Carreon, Fernando LEO Lecturer IV LSA Mathematics $ 68,355.98 $ 68,356.00
Gallego, Olga LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 68,313.37 $ 68,313.40
Dueweke, Eric R LEO Lecturer IV Urban Planning $ 68,311.48 $ 68,311.50
Winn, David Jerome LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 68,226.85 $ 68,226.90
Gilpin, Dawn M LEO Lecturer IV Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 68,057.05 $ 68,057.10
Miller, Donald R LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 67,985.25 $ 67,985.30
Malinowski, Elizabeth Ann LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 67,839.80 $ 67,839.80
Bellamy, Allen LEO Lecturer IV Flint Psychology $ 67,800.96 $ 67,801.00
McGill, Anthony D LEO Lecturer IV Flint Comm and Visual Arts $ 67,775.96 $ 67,776.00
Lind, Mary B LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communications $ 67,495.88 $ 67,495.90
Shaughnessy, Meghan Mary LEO Lecturer III SOE- Teacher Education $ 67,494.50 $ 16,873.60
Pawlik, Lisa A LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 67,494.50 $ 54,822.40
Fishstrom, Jack Aaron LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communications $ 67,248.68 $ 67,248.70
McGinn, Terence James LEO Lecturer II LSA Sociology $ 66,991.83 $ 66,991.80
Page: 9 of 46

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