List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO lecture 1348
Maximum Salary:$ 355,487.13
Average Salary:$ 70,132.17
Minimum Salary:$ 40,290.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 43 of 45
Name Title Department FTR GF
Cargile, China Lee LEO Lecturer I Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 41,820.00 $ 10,455.04
Chen, Lihua LEO Lecturer I Dbn Col of Eng-Electric & Comp $ 41,820.00 $ 13,936.56
Crundwell, Robert Marc LEO Lecturer I Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 41,820.00 $ 10,455.04
Donelson, Jerrice LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Dunne, Joseph Marsden LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
Gavell, Susan Theresa LEO Lecturer I Dbn Writing Center $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Gromak, James A LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Harb, Farah S LEO Lecturer I Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 41,820.00 $ 3,481.52
Harris, Aurora Esperanza LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL College-Wide Programs $ 41,820.00 $ 10,455.04
Hussain, Mahmud LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 41,820.00 $ 28,855.80
Kasravi, Kas LEO Lecturer I Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Kondasinghe, Thilini Dashyanthi LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 41,820.00 $ 36,801.60
Lane, Mark LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Matzke, Drew A LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
McIntosh, Bonnie Christine LEO Lecturer I Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 41,820.00 $ 27,883.52
O'Connell-Devlin, Jane K LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 41,820.00 $ 31,365.00
Osowski, Gregory James LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
Rollinger, Susan F LEO Lecturer I Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 41,820.00 $ 7,318.50
Saad, Samantha Gabriela LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 41,820.00 $ 24,391.52
Sabourin, Elizabeth Ann Robbins LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
Semrau, Kassandra Cheryl LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 41,820.00 $ 41,820.00
Serri, Paul Joseph LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 41,820.00 $ 28,019.40
Shaper, Karen L LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 10,455.00
Smith, Sara LEO Lecturer I Dbn Writing Center $ 41,820.00 $ 13,936.52
Sous, Tasneem Anees LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Math & Statistics $ 41,820.00 $ 41,820.00
Sprague, Jason M LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
Wielechowski, Benjamin LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
Zuk, Shelby LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,820.00 $ 20,910.00
AbdulNour, Bashar S LEO Lecturer I Flint Engineering $ 41,820.00 $ 10,337.52
Aslam, Mohammed LEO Lecturer I Flint Engineering $ 41,820.00 $ 10,337.52
Page: 43 of 45

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