List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO lecture 1359
Maximum Salary:$ 365,326.09
Average Salary:$ 72,202.21
Minimum Salary:$ 43,000.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 20 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Deva, Adrian A LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 65,116.65 $ 63,669.60
Goldin, Simona LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 65,097.34 $ 31,825.36
Chivens, Thomas H LEO Lecturer IV LSA Anthropology $ 65,051.65 $ 65,051.65
La Commare, Katherine Spencer LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Biological Sciences $ 65,044.33 $ 65,044.33
Sitaram, Pattabhi LEO Lecturer I Civil & Environmental Engr $ 65,000.00 $ 19,066.64
Lomeli, Yojairo LEO Lecturer III Architecture $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Dabak, Shubhangi LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 64,991.51 $ 64,991.51
Al-Qaisi, Samia M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 64,961.31 $ 64,961.31
Wood, Carrie Elizabeth LEO Lecturer II LSA Classical Studies $ 64,945.50 $ 64,945.50
Sherwood, Thomas LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre & Dance $ 64,815.86 $ 15,843.84
Savit, Eli Noam LEO Lecturer I Law School $ 64,770.26 $ 12,666.16
Klingelhofer, Rachel Rennie LEO Lecturer II SOE- Teacher Education $ 64,703.39 $ 47,449.12
Dooley, Paul Michael LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre & Dance $ 64,691.81 $ 48,518.86
Birkmeier, Lisa LEO Lecturer I Flint Physical Therapy $ 64,662.90 $ 3,034.88
Petrak, Samantha A LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Humanities $ 64,586.85 $ 64,586.85
Silva, Michelle LEO Lecturer IV Flint Communications Studies $ 64,573.31 $ 64,573.31
Thompson, Andrew LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 64,559.95 $ 64,559.95
Madden, Michele LEO Lecturer II SOE- Teacher Education $ 64,505.87 $ 22,075.36
Carduner, Isabelle M LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 64,465.64 $ 10,715.52
McMillan, Liana LEO Lecturer III Dbn CASL-Humanities $ 64,417.50 $ 64,417.50
Larson, Scott LEO Lecturer IV LSA American Culture $ 64,145.62 $ 64,145.62
Slater, Jill A LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 64,075.09 $ 58,692.78
Chaney, Adisa Nosakhere LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 63,951.24 $ 15,632.56
Macias, Laura LEO Lecturer IV Flint Social Work $ 63,914.50 $ 63,914.50
Beck, Melissa Leigh LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre & Dance $ 63,912.01 $ 47,934.01
Forrester, Kathleen Ann LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 63,912.01 $ 62,491.76
Conger, Mark Adams LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 63,906.08 $ 62,485.92
Sturt, Jonathan Bentley LEO Lecturer III Architecture $ 63,897.35 $ 63,897.35
Teague, Benjamin LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 63,897.26 $ 42,811.16
Stiffler, Matthew William LEO Lecturer II LSA American Culture $ 63,805.54 $ 20,790.72
Page: 20 of 46

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