List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO lecture 1201
Maximum Salary:$ 199,466.67
Average Salary:$ 41,393.02
Minimum Salary:$ 12,064.00

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 29 of 41
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stoessner, Mark A LEO Lecturer I Division of Kinesiology $ 31,620.00 $ 0.00
Turner III, Wilbert H LEO Lecturer I Division of Kinesiology $ 31,620.00 $ 0.00
Auletti, Toni Yvette LEO Lecturer II Theatre and Drama $ 31,212.00 $ 10,924.20
Farooqui, Fauzia LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 31,100.00 $ 31,100.00
Iglesias Garrido, Carla Maria LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,100.00 $ 31,100.00
Mojica, Yolanda LEO Lecturer II Flint Education $ 31,003.00 $ 15,501.50
Aghaei, Behrad LEO Lecturer I LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 31,000.00 $ 26,970.00
Alegre Khoury, Leyre LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 10,230.00
Bayraktar, Elissa Justine Bell LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Bin Soegito, Sigit LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Residential College $ 31,000.00 $ 0.00
Boswell, Bradley K LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Brodska, Zdenka LEO Lecturer I LSA Slavic Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 12,090.00
Canal, Maria Nieves LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 15,500.00
Chavez Mejia, Virginia LEO Lecturer I LSA Anthropology $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Cleary, Kristin Margaret LEO Lecturer I LSA Classical Studies $ 31,000.00 $ 23,250.00
Costa Curras, Diogenes LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Devos, Mariela LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Ferrera, Ricardo LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Fisher, Anne O'brien LEO Lecturer I LSA Classical Studies $ 31,000.00 $ 23,250.00
Forrester, Kathleen Ann LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 10,230.00
Gill, Pinderjeet K LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 31,000.00 $ 10,385.00
Kim, Junghee LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Lloret Marin, Gonzalo LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Maret, Sylvie LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Mastati, Yulisa LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Residential College $ 31,000.00 $ 0.00
Mazzolini, Sara Adeline LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 15,500.00
Okudera, Fumie LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Pauletto, Franco LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Rama, Rashmi LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 31,000.00
Ramos, Cuitlahuac LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 31,000.00 $ 20,770.00
Page: 29 of 41

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