List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Lecturer IV 245
Maximum Salary:$ 196,650.00
Average Salary:$ 60,533.43
Minimum Salary:$ 36,683.28

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 6 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Reinhart, Susan M LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language Institute $ 50,368.78 $ 40,295.02
Nagourney, Peter J LEO Lecturer IV CoE Undergraduate Education $ 50,350.05 $ 50,350.05
Mendeloff, Katherine LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 50,347.88 $ 50,347.88
Strowe, Andrew M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Math and Statistics $ 50,210.20 $ 50,210.20
Stewart, Ogie G LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 50,180.36 $ 50,180.36
Federhofer, Karl-Georg LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages and Lit. $ 50,106.96 $ 50,106.96
Matzke, David C LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 49,946.84 $ 49,946.84
Lind, Mary B LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communications $ 49,644.97 $ 49,644.97
Walton, Susan Pratt LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 49,463.06 $ 37,097.30
Goertz, Karein K LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 49,342.30 $ 49,342.30
Young, Lisa C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Anthropology $ 49,258.98 $ 24,629.49
Dyer, Judy A LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language Institute $ 49,245.60 $ 49,245.60
Adam, Miriam E LEO Lecturer IV CoE Undergraduate Education $ 49,203.79 $ 39,363.03
Siddiqi, Mohammad Tahsin LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 49,056.23 $ 49,056.23
Emori, Shoko LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 48,721.92 $ 48,721.92
Oka, Mayumi LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 48,721.92 $ 48,721.92
Van Hoewyk, Deborah Sampson LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communications $ 48,509.70 $ 48,509.70
Spitsberg, Tija LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Humanities-Letters $ 48,440.62 $ 48,440.62
Wacker, Tracy L LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 48,325.59 $ 48,325.59
Allen, Angela J LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 48,195.43 $ 48,195.43
Bolling, Eric R LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Sociology and Anthropol $ 48,041.18 $ 24,020.59
Hildinger, Elizabeth S LEO Lecturer IV CoE Undergraduate Education $ 48,016.53 $ 48,016.53
Graebner, Lars LEO Lecturer IV Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Butler-Borruat, Dominique M LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 47,919.45 $ 47,919.45
Foley, Sallie Martin LEO Lecturer IV School of Social Work $ 47,779.21 $ 11,944.80
Berwanger, Paula D LEO Lecturer IV LSA Linguistics $ 47,779.20 $ 47,779.20
Kelley, Kendrick Matthew LEO Lecturer IV LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 47,719.48 $ 47,719.48
VanValkenburg, Janet K LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages and Lit. $ 47,719.48 $ 47,719.48
Viele, Dennis P LEO Lecturer IV Flint Biology $ 47,703.04 $ 47,703.04
Rust, Elizabeth McLaurine LEO Lecturer IV Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 47,619.99 $ 47,619.99
Page: 6 of 9

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