List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Lecturer I 1374
Maximum Salary:$ 798,963.12
Average Salary:$ 54,175.53
Minimum Salary:$ 27,000.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 15 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Madden, Katherine LEO Lecturer I SOE-CSHPE $ 55,078.73 $ 6,884.88
Knuth, Aric David LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language and Lit. $ 55,032.68 $ 55,032.68
Travers, Martha Winona LEO Lecturer II School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 54,864.10 $ 54,864.16
Krishnamra, Montatip LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 54,812.89 $ 32,887.73
Hollison, Dawn LEO Lecturer III LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 54,810.00 $ 54,810.00
Anderson, James E LEO Lecturer IV Flint English $ 54,697.76 $ 54,697.76
Weed, Stanley E LEO Lecturer II Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophyandArts $ 54,548.88 $ 40,911.66
Walker, James Cody LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language and Lit. $ 54,473.88 $ 54,473.88
Brandolino, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 54,473.87 $ 36,497.49
Brandolino, Gina Marie LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language and Lit. $ 54,473.87 $ 17,976.38
Moreau, Sonya Kay LEO Lecturer III Flint Nursing $ 54,371.13 $ 54,371.13
Koonmen, Jamie LEO Lecturer III Flint Nursing $ 54,371.13 $ 51,652.57
Makin, Alina Udalchenko LEO Lecturer IV LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 54,351.31 $ 36,415.38
Makin, Alina Udalchenko LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 54,351.31 $ 18,112.58
Freiman, Beth Ellen LEO Lecturer III Flint Theatre and Dance $ 54,349.59 $ 54,349.59
Gonzalez, Raquel N LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 54,182.62 $ 54,182.62
Rohlck, Theresa N LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language Institute $ 54,086.95 $ 54,086.95
Boland, Patrick LEO Lecturer I LSA Mathematics $ 54,013.50 $ 18,000.00
Dika, Rifaat A LEO Lecturer IV Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 53,994.88 $ 53,994.88
Weizman, Paula LEO Lecturer IV LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 53,994.06 $ 53,994.06
Volkovich, Ilya LEO Lecturer I LSA Mathematics $ 53,973.01 $ 36,000.00
Lezovich, Christopher LEO Lecturer II Flint School of Management $ 53,922.89 $ 13,480.80
Rogovyk, Svitlana LEO Lecturer IV LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 53,891.39 $ 53,891.39
Collier, Katherine A LEO Lecturer IV School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 53,891.39 $ 53,891.39
Matthei, Barbara J LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Math and Statistics $ 53,868.71 $ 53,868.71
Nesmith, Judy M LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 53,854.00 $ 53,854.00
Hilberry, Ann M LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 53,851.83 $ 53,851.83
Rabinowitz, Joshua Louis LEO Lecturer III LSA Psychology $ 53,795.00 $ 53,795.00
Gull, Maria E LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages and Lit. $ 53,780.98 $ 17,747.73
Westwalewicz, Piotr Antoni LEO Lecturer IV LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 53,753.37 $ 43,002.70
Page: 15 of 46

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