List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Lecturer I 1374
Maximum Salary:$ 798,963.12
Average Salary:$ 54,175.53
Minimum Salary:$ 27,000.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 13 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mattison, Debra K LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 58,392.44 $ 21,897.20
Cushman, Julie Dolinger LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 58,392.44 $ 14,598.11
Sanders, Laura L LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 58,392.44 $ 46,232.24
Berwanger, Paula D LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 58,392.37 $ 58,392.37
Kligerman, Mark William LEO Lecturer II LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 58,392.27 $ 58,392.24
Bowden, Thomas Edwin LEO Lecturer IV CoE Undergraduate Education $ 58,268.40 $ 58,268.40
White, Howard W LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art and Design $ 58,240.84 $ 38,438.96
Steichmann, Lisa L LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art and Design $ 58,207.90 $ 38,417.28
Thayer, Nancy J LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art and Design $ 58,184.42 $ 38,401.68
Dorantes, Maria De Lourdes LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 57,960.38 $ 57,960.38
Melnichuk, Mike LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 57,808.21 $ 57,808.21
Popov, Yuri O LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 57,808.21 $ 57,808.21
Lau, Wayne Heung LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 57,808.21 $ 57,808.24
Pollard, Dennis D LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 57,791.93 $ 57,791.93
Feak, Christine A Beer LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language Institute $ 57,758.19 $ 57,758.19
Luchs, Kathryn E LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art and Design $ 57,655.93 $ 57,655.93
Stewart, Ogie G LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 57,590.00 $ 57,590.00
Markus, Donka D LEO Lecturer II LSA Classical Studies $ 57,491.62 $ 57,491.62
Miller, Robert J LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 14,344.40
Foley, Steven J LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 14,344.36
Glenn, Tammie B LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 43,033.12
Stauffer, Gary A LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 14,344.32
Weissman, Scott J LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 28,688.72
Chute, Ellen Yashinsky LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 57,377.44 $ 28,688.72
Thelen, Brian J LEO Lecturer II LSA Statistics $ 57,377.19 $ 28,688.60
Berlin, Netta LEO Lecturer IV LSA Classical Studies $ 57,356.26 $ 57,356.26
Thomas, Laura C LEO Lecturer IV LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,328.96 $ 57,328.96
Rivers, Lynn N LEO Lecturer II LSA Political Science $ 57,156.04 $ 28,578.08
Rosic, Marija LEO Lecturer II LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 57,143.58 $ 7,142.95
Meyer, Kathleen E LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 56,983.61 $ 56,983.61
Page: 13 of 46

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