List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Intermittent Lecturer 116
Maximum Salary:$ 778,694.66
Average Salary:$ 111,037.28
Minimum Salary:$ 27,695.50

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Besprozvany, Vadim LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 82,400.00 $ 20,600.00
Hogan, Lija Christopher LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 81,600.00 $ 20,400.00
Cook, Jeffrey Arthur LEO Intermittent Lecturer Naval Arch & Marine Dept $ 80,074.74 $ 32,029.92
Ghering, Cynthia Anne LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 80,000.00 $ 20,000.00
Hukill, Graham LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 80,000.00 $ 20,000.00
McBroom, Kathleen Morrissey LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Information $ 80,000.00 $ 20,000.00
McNaughton, Brandon LEO Intermittent Lecturer CoE Assoc Dean for Entrep Prog $ 80,000.00 $ 24,000.00
Santer, Robert Michael LEO Intermittent Lecturer Industrial & Operations Engin $ 77,220.00 $ 23,166.00
Breck, James Edward LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA UG: Environment $ 73,939.12 $ 18,484.80
Mingela, Sarunas S LEO Intermittent Lecturer Environmental Health Sciences $ 72,825.44 $ 0.00
Saldana, Gregory J LEO Intermittent Lecturer Coll of Arch & Urban Planning $ 71,191.24 $ 71,191.28
Malen, Donald E LEO Intermittent Lecturer CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 69,590.10 $ 24,356.56
Douglas, Clifford E LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 69,568.00 $ 17,392.00
Citrin, Toby LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 66,880.00 $ 8,360.00
Modell, Stephen Mark LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 66,880.00 $ 8,360.00
Davis, Kwayera Alabama Clement LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA Astronomy $ 65,828.08 $ 39,496.88
Niciejewski, Rick J LEO Intermittent Lecturer Atm Oceanic & Space Sci. $ 61,915.74 $ 24,766.32
Austin, John Paul LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 61,676.64 $ 5,150.00
Seitz, Kevin L LEO Intermittent Lecturer Health Management and Policy $ 61,676.64 $ 5,150.00
Hayden, Brian F LEO Intermittent Lecturer CoE Assoc Dean for Entrep Prog $ 60,000.00 $ 6,000.00
Allen, Peter T LEO Intermittent Lecturer Urban Planning $ 58,240.00 $ 29,120.00
Nelson, Lindsay Anne LEO Intermittent Lecturer Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 58,086.96 $ 13,360.00
Alford, Laura Kay LEO Intermittent Lecturer Naval Arch & Marine Dept $ 58,084.00 $ 29,042.00
Pelz-Davis, Kathryn L LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 56,192.30 $ 14,048.08
Daubenmier, Judith Marie LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA American Culture $ 54,122.70 $ 18,036.40
Scheerer, Sarel Z LEO Intermittent Lecturer G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 54,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Smith, Jennifer Ann LEO Intermittent Lecturer Epidemiology Department $ 52,920.00 $ 17,463.60
Chandler, Vincent Arvel LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 50,909.10 $ 7,636.40
Blum, Jerome B LEO Intermittent Lecturer Flint Mpa Program $ 48,739.68 $ 12,184.96
Siegel, Richard LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 48,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Page: 2 of 4

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