List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: LEO Intermittent 175
Maximum Salary:$ 290,851.12
Average Salary:$ 73,044.20
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pasque, Peter LEO Intermittent Lecturer SOE- Teacher Education $ 48,000.00 $ 3,840.00
Peterson, Emily Anne LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA Women's Studies $ 48,000.00 $ 15,996.00
Pokornowski, Steven LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Pricer, Rachel LEO Intermittent Lecturer Chemical Biology Program $ 48,000.00 $ 15,996.00
Quiring, Nicholas Jon LEO Intermittent Lecturer Coll of Arch - Urban Planning $ 48,000.00 $ 24,000.00
Richardson, Carmela A LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 48,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Sampson, Monica D LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 48,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Thompkins, Relando LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 48,000.00 $ 2,004.00
Thomson, William Brian LEO Intermittent Lecturer Coll of Arch - Urban Planning $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Upton, Kevin LEO Intermittent Lecturer SOE- Teacher Education $ 48,000.00 $ 1,920.00
Winston, Charlotte LEO Intermittent Lecturer LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Wright, David Morris LEO Intermittent Lecturer COE Climate - Space $ 48,000.00 $ 19,200.00
Yakas, Laura LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 48,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Ziglor, Candace N LEO Intermittent Lecturer School of Social Work $ 48,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Dietzel, Robert A LEO Intermittent Lecturer Flint Education $ 44,878.08 $ 11,219.52
Towers, Diane L LEO Intermittent Lecturer Flint Nursing $ 44,138.44 $ 11,762.96
Muhammad, Bilal Rabah LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 41,000.00 $ 10,250.00
Kadry, Samera A LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg - Finance $ 40,000.00 $ 10,000.00
Wells, Juanita LEO Intermittent Lecturer Flint Nursing $ 39,344.14 $ 8,655.76
Ulu, Yasemin LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg - Finance $ 38,400.00 $ 9,600.00
Aref, Abdulrahman LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 38,000.00 $ 12,663.50
Bohanon, Michael D LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg - Finance $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Bohanon, Michael D LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Burns-Ross, Julie LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Caldwell, Rebecca Mary LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 38,000.00 $ 28,120.00
Douglas Jr, James LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
El Yaman, Ahlam LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn CEHHS Health - Human Serv $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Fuller, Robyn Kristian LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg - Finance $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Garrett, Patrick Walter LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Eng-Electric - Comp $ 38,000.00 $ 3,163.52
Grace, Tammy A LEO Intermittent Lecturer Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 38,000.00 $ 9,500.00
Page: 5 of 6

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