List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Instructional Learning I 33
Maximum Salary:$ 86,943.89
Average Salary:$ 51,336.36
Minimum Salary:$ 34,400.00

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Young, Patrick J Instructional Learning Inter School of Art and Design $ 86,943.89 $ 86,943.89
Larose, Peter G Instructional Learning Inter LSA Mathematics $ 85,246.00 $ 42,623.00
Petainen, Kai J Instructional Learning Inter ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000.00
Meyers, Charlene M Instructional Learning Inter Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 62,442.00 $ 31,221.00
Newman, Carolyn J Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 60,803.83 $ 0.00
Turner, Jeanette Angela Instructional Learning Inter A. Alfred Taubman CA-UP Adm $ 58,848.00 $ 58,848.00
Springfield, Emily Catherine Instructional Learning Inter DENT Informatics $ 56,726.20 $ 42,544.65
Squires, John D Instructional Learning Inter DENT Informatics $ 56,122.80 $ 50,510.52
Fenske, Cynthia Lynne Instructional Learning Inter School of Nursing $ 55,000.00 $ 3,850.00
Perrin, Stephen R Instructional Learning Inter MSA Medical Education $ 54,508.03 $ 54,508.03
Anastasia, Dino L Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 52,272.54 $ 52,272.54
Divecha, Ruthvick Hemant Instructional Learning Inter Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 52,215.00 $ 52,215.00
Dorer, Doreen Rose Instructional Learning Inter UMH Finance Training Program $ 52,182.27 $ 0.00
Levenick, Ann L Instructional Learning Inter LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 50,508.00 $ 50,508.00
Binetti, Barbara Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 50,153.50 $ 50,153.50
Cambridge, Betsy Instructional Learning Inter School of Nursing $ 50,000.00 $ 40,000.00
deSousa, Paul Jonathan Instructional Learning Inter Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 49,000.00 $ 49,000.00
Hickson, Monica Alexis Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 48,456.61 $ 0.00
Switala, Ellen L Instructional Learning Inter ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 48,300.00 $ 48,300.00
Roberts, Brandon L Instructional Learning Inter CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 46,746.00 $ 46,746.00
Undy, Matthew David Instructional Learning Inter MSA Medical Education $ 46,215.00 $ 23,107.50
Williams, Dorothea Instructional Learning Inter Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 45,395.00 $ 45,395.00
Goraj, Joseph David Instructional Learning Inter Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev $ 44,906.00 $ 44,906.00
West, Jonathan Leigh Instructional Learning Inter CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 44,840.00 $ 44,840.00
Boyd, Bernard A Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 44,190.65 $ 0.00
Engling, Jason Mark Instructional Learning Inter MSA Medical Education $ 44,161.00 $ 44,161.00
Knokh, Irene J Instructional Learning Inter UMH Educat Svcs-Nursing $ 44,007.19 $ 0.00
Karasik, Inessa Instructional Learning Inter Dbn CASL-Math - Statistics $ 43,642.00 $ 43,642.00
Bielich, Paul Stevan Instructional Learning Inter Dbn School of Education $ 41,894.40 $ 26,184.00
Cameron, Phillip John Instructional Learning Inter LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 39,620.00 $ 39,620.00
Page: 1 of 2

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