List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: IS Administration 36
Maximum Salary:$ 136,331.42
Average Salary:$ 109,624.28
Minimum Salary:$ 79,567.50

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Chapman, Robin A IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH QI Michigan Quality System $ 136,331.42 $ 0.00
Hampton, Philip M IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT EPIC Project Support $ 121,852.74 $ 0.00
Pollack, Shawn D IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra Srv Cont Mgmt $ 121,555.69 $ 0.00
Coronado, Erdwing Rafael IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 119,692.94 $ 0.00
Talarek, John IS Administration - Pln Mgr Health Svc General Operations $ 118,500.00 $ 0.00
Singer, Charles W IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra - Sys Ops $ 115,932.76 $ 0.00
Summers, Steven L IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Customer Appl Mgmt $ 114,999.50 $ 0.00
Richardson, Kurt J IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Intel Admin $ 114,933.59 $ 0.00
Harris-Pearlstein, Suzanne IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 114,768.13 $ 0.00
McCollum, Joan M IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr - Sup Adm $ 113,300.00 $ 0.00
Osburn, Micheal L IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra - Sys Ops $ 111,930.95 $ 0.00
Korc, Nadine L IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Customer Appl Mgmt $ 111,918.63 $ 0.00
McPhall, John G IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT EPIC Project Support $ 111,532.07 $ 0.00
Amman, Karen IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT EPIC Project Support $ 111,394.50 $ 0.00
Kwapis, Brian M IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 111,275.02 $ 0.00
Moss, Charles Francis IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 110,311.75 $ 0.00
Subramanian, Nimi IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra - Sys Ops $ 109,928.34 $ 0.00
Szumko, Christine Baker IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr - Sup Adm $ 109,697.06 $ 0.00
Underwood, Jack Allen IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Infra - Sys Ops $ 109,272.70 $ 0.00
Brennan, Dawn Marie IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 109,272.70 $ 0.00
Aprill, Robert R IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr - Sup Adm $ 108,150.00 $ 0.00
Timson, Eric Mark IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT EPIC Project Support $ 108,150.00 $ 0.00
Hampton, Renee A IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT CIO Administration $ 107,992.13 $ 0.00
Richardson, John A IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Device Engr - Sup Adm $ 107,592.87 $ 0.00
Popa, Agatina P IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Customer Appl Mgmt $ 107,384.79 $ 0.00
Lazarou, Josephine Bonasso IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Process Management $ 107,183.15 $ 0.00
Rinke, Richard R IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 107,112.19 $ 0.00
McFry, Kathleen M IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Customer Appl Mgmt $ 106,776.68 $ 0.00
Root, Randall W IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Bus Sys Mgmt Adm $ 106,569.18 $ 0.00
Scott, Daniel W IS Administration - Pln Mgr UMH MCIT Clinical Sys Mgmt $ 103,359.59 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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