List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Hr general 110
Maximum Salary:$ 112,750.00
Average Salary:$ 70,370.04
Minimum Salary:$ 44,505.10

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bell, Mia HR Generalist Intermediate SEAS General Operations $ 65,245.35 $ 65,245.35
Wisniewski, Carolyn S HR Generalist Associate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 64,583.98 $ 0.00
Duckworth, RaShan HR Generalist Intermediate VPEM Administration $ 63,984.60 $ 63,984.60
Galloway, Shante Leona HR Generalist Intermediate DENT HR Shared Service $ 63,134.46 $ 63,134.46
Schester, Kelly Lynn HR Generalist Intermediate Dbn Human Res - Inst Equity $ 62,730.00 $ 62,730.00
Brandy, Sharde HR Generalist Intermediate SL Office of Human Resources $ 62,100.00 $ 0.00
Lange, Jade L HR Generalist Intermediate School of Nursing $ 61,850.47 $ 61,850.47
Mauney, Jessica HR Generalist Intermediate School of Nursing $ 61,850.47 $ 61,850.47
Stewart, Luann Marie HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 61,523.66 $ 0.00
Bullard, Linda L HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 61,261.92 $ 0.00
Rice, Amy HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 60,630.00 $ 60,630.00
Thornsberry, Michelle Combs HR Generalist Intermediate Health Svc General Operations $ 60,082.10 $ 0.00
Long, Rachel K HR Generalist Intermediate COE Climate - Space $ 59,663.00 $ 59,663.00
Hurley, Dolores D HR Generalist Intermediate Flint Human Resources $ 59,586.03 $ 59,586.03
Jones, Jessica HR Generalist Intermediate Aerospace Engineering $ 59,576.00 $ 59,576.00
Perhne, Yvonne HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 59,500.00 $ 59,500.00
Guarino, Katharine HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 59,412.00 $ 59,412.00
Luttrell, Rebecca A HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 59,409.00 $ 0.00
Durr, Jennifer HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 59,000.00 $ 59,000.00
Dunham, April HR Generalist Intermediate CoE Integrative Sys - Design $ 59,000.00 $ 29,500.00
Durante, Michelle HR Generalist Intermediate SL Office of Human Resources $ 59,000.00 $ 0.00
Howe, Jaime Angela HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 58,440.00 $ 58,440.00
Foster, Erin HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 58,348.13 $ 0.00
Clark, Katherine HR Generalist Associate LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 58,146.00 $ 58,146.00
Bhakta, Jayshri HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 58,100.00 $ 0.00
Davison, Chelsea Ann HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 58,100.00 $ 0.00
Sroka, Tina Picano HR Generalist Associate Industrial - Operations Engin $ 57,868.00 $ 57,868.00
Gibson, Carol HR Generalist Intermediate UMHS Shared Human Resources $ 57,772.61 $ 0.00
Branch, Tawana Denise HR Generalist Intermediate Flint Human Resources $ 57,011.93 $ 57,011.93
Moffett, Robert HR Generalist Associate Athletics $ 56,887.74 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 4

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