List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Grants 37
Maximum Salary:$ 119,000.00
Average Salary:$ 58,751.70
Minimum Salary:$ 39,578.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Zdeba, Thomas W Grants and Contracts Assoc Dir Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 119,000.00 $ 119,000.00
Sivyer, Sharyn I Grants and Contracts Assoc Dir Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 106,900.00 $ 106,900.00
Gerard, Peter J Grants and Contracts Assoc Dir Finance-Sponsored Programs $ 104,484.79 $ 104,484.79
DeWitt, Kathryn A Grants and Contracts Assoc Dir Office of Res and Spon Projects $ 99,500.00 $ 99,500.00
Chavez, Leslie L Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Finance-Sponsored Programs $ 76,138.52 $ 76,138.52
Hadley, Brenda M Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Environmental Health Sciences $ 76,021.00 $ 76,021.00
Tune, Lea M Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Finance-Sponsored Programs $ 65,611.52 $ 65,611.52
Goormastic, Jeanni M Grants and Contracts Admin Sr Department of Radiology $ 65,455.41 $ 0.00
Sinay, Grace Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Center for Human Growth and Dev $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Smith, Valerie S Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Neuroscience Graduate Program $ 63,641.83 $ 0.00
Jent, Rhonda Rae Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Chemical Engineering Dept $ 63,500.00 $ 63,500.00
Lucas, Lisa G Grants and Contracts Admin Assoc CW Community Health $ 62,109.40 $ 0.00
Parker, Lisa D Grants and Contracts Admin Sr Inst/Research Women and Gender $ 61,706.00 $ 29,001.82
Williams, Shamilya Terese Grants and Contracts Admin Sr Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 59,128.68 $ 0.00
Wiltse, Lisa M Grants and Contracts Admin Inter ICPSR-Admin $ 57,247.72 $ 0.00
Simon, Amanda j Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Finance-Sponsored Programs $ 56,089.80 $ 56,089.80
Reimann, Susan M Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Biostatistics Department $ 54,825.00 $ 5,482.50
Mueller, Matthew James Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Finance-Sponsored Programs $ 54,445.80 $ 54,445.80
Valdez, Anthony Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter LSA Chemistry $ 54,317.80 $ 54,317.80
Frasier, Lora Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter LSA Chemistry $ 54,156.17 $ 54,156.17
Behnke, Teri Jo Grants and Contracts Admin Assoc Pediatrics-Neurology $ 54,065.12 $ 0.00
Kingsley, Erin Grants/Contracts Acctant Inter Flint Off of Res and Sponsor Pgm $ 50,122.80 $ 50,122.80
Jacobs, Jocelyn M Grants and Contracts Admin Inter LSA Chemistry $ 46,233.85 $ 46,233.85
Rausch, Diana C Grants and Contracts Admin Assoc Kresge Hearing Research Inst $ 46,115.67 $ 32,281.09
O'Sullivan, Kathleen Grants and Contracts Admin Inter ISR-Research Administration $ 46,102.74 $ 0.00
Ivanova, Ekaterina Grants/Contracts Acctant Assoc Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 46,089.45 $ 0.00
Saveski, Verica Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Psychiatry Admin-Central $ 46,068.38 $ 0.00
Catrell, Kelli M Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Flint University Outreach $ 44,281.37 $ 44,281.25
Ridenour, Anjanette M Grants/Contracts Acctant Assoc LSA Mathematics $ 43,580.00 $ 41,401.00
Veerapaneni, NirupaRani Grants and Contracts Admin Inter Ophthalmology and Visual Science $ 43,403.20 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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