List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Flight Nurse 19
Maximum Salary:$ 133,328.00
Average Salary:$ 122,705.77
Minimum Salary:$ 88,337.60

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wieneke, Wendy Kay FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY P-NE MM Survival Flight $ 133,328.00 $ 0.00
Thomas, Jeffrey James FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Schmid, Sandra A FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Russell, Gina Marie FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Munger, Paul E FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Jacobs, Lori FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Adelmann, Edward C FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 132,142.40 $ 0.00
Rosa, Jennifer M FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 130,145.60 $ 0.00
Mollinger, Joseph Stephen FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 129,667.20 $ 0.00
Stoller, Chad FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 129,667.20 $ 0.00
Vesper, Timothy M FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 127,691.20 $ 0.00
Sabados, Mary FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 127,691.20 $ 0.00
Peoples, Johnnie FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 127,691.20 $ 0.00
Honigford, Alex FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 127,691.20 $ 0.00
Brotchner, Erin FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 127,691.20 $ 0.00
Diroff, Alyssa FLIGHT NURSE SPEC MASTERY-NE MM Survival Flight $ 106,246.40 $ 0.00
Warzocha, Michael FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 91,353.60 $ 0.00
Megge, Matthew FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 91,353.60 $ 0.00
Dykas, Katelyn FLIGHT NURSE SPEC COMPETENT-NE MM Survival Flight $ 88,337.60 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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