List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Financial Consultant 19
Maximum Salary:$ 77,503.00
Average Salary:$ 60,960.85
Minimum Salary:$ 49,090.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wells, Karen E Financial Consultant Hlth UMH Laundry Administration $ 77,503.00 $ 0.00
Coutts, Patrick Alan Financial Consultant Hlth UMH Amb Care Admin $ 74,502.57 $ 0.00
Sanders, Terri L Financial Consultant Hlth Pediatrics-Ambulatory Care Pgm $ 68,839.67 $ 0.00
Sheng, Nan-Sheng Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 68,512.72 $ 0.00
Kuzminski, Jennifer A Financial Consultant Hlth UMH Opthy Billing - TECHNICAL $ 67,477.08 $ 0.00
McCready, Matthew R Financial Consultant Hlth Physical Medicine and Rehab Dept $ 67,383.46 $ 0.00
Zischerk, Corinne M Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 65,630.90 $ 0.00
Grapp, Mary S Financial Consultant Hlth Biological Chemistry Dept $ 64,712.34 $ 64,712.30
Dwyer, Lisa Financial Consultant Hlth Ophthalmology and Visual Science $ 64,434.89 $ 0.00
Valdez, Anthony Financial Consultant Hlth CTO- Administration $ 58,440.52 $ 0.00
Workman, Melissa E Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 57,874.38 $ 0.00
Demerath, Kathryn A Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,200.61 $ 0.00
King, Melissa Kay Financial Consultant Hlth Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 55,202.48 $ 0.00
Skeans, Megan Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 54,062.71 $ 0.00
Gunderson, Kathy Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 53,002.65 $ 0.00
Seibert, Denise Gail Financial Consultant Hlth UMH Facilities Planning $ 52,004.26 $ 0.00
Hess, Aaron R Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 51,782.67 $ 0.00
Zahs, Brian Financial Consultant Hlth Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 51,599.31 $ 12,899.80
Berg, Eric Thomas Financial Consultant Hlth UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 49,090.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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