List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Envrnmtl Hlth 23
Maximum Salary:$ 110,818.47
Average Salary:$ 93,542.55
Minimum Salary:$ 72,744.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Fischer, Karl Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 110,818.47 $ 110,818.47
Keeler, Kenneth E Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld F&O Sustainability $ 108,200.58 $ 108,200.58
Goecke, Roger B Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 106,442.13 $ 106,442.13
Trombley, Keith R Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 104,740.98 $ 104,740.98
Cooney, Sarah Platt Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 100,075.92 $ 100,075.92
Wasalaski, Rick M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 97,753.72 $ 97,753.72
Kettmann, Matthew Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 95,535.11 $ 95,535.11
Campbell, Brandi Lynn Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 94,751.76 $ 94,751.76
Lee, Duane T Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 94,751.36 $ 94,751.36
Walter, Matthew Paul Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld UMH Safety Management Services $ 94,127.59 $ 0.00
Taylor, Larry P Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 94,014.73 $ 18,802.95
Evanski, Nancy M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 91,628.40 $ 91,628.40
Sabon, Philip Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 91,417.75 $ 91,417.75
Kosco, John Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 91,361.43 $ 91,361.43
Farrackand, Warreka Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 90,972.48 $ 90,972.48
Lee, Daniel Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 89,736.69 $ 89,736.69
Garcia, Russell S Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 89,620.51 $ 89,620.51
Nord, Jennifer Harris Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 88,724.32 $ 88,724.32
Peters, David M Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 88,595.67 $ 88,595.67
Bunn, Jessica Lee Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 85,652.48 $ 85,652.48
Bennett, Josh Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 85,352.46 $ 85,352.46
Laird, David Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld EH&S $ 84,460.00 $ 84,460.00
Bean, Kevin Envrnmtl Hlth & Safety Spec Ld Dbn Environmental Hlt & Safety $ 72,744.00 $ 72,744.00
Page: 1 of 1

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