List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter 20
Maximum Salary:$ 68,457.19
Average Salary:$ 58,605.34
Minimum Salary:$ 48,410.00

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Steiner, Lisa Marie Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 68,457.19 $ 0.00
Stillar, Allison Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter UMH Safety Management Services $ 64,919.24 $ 0.00
Holt, Barbara Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter UMH Safety Management Services $ 64,025.60 $ 0.00
Keavey, Philip Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 62,307.57 $ 62,307.57
Quattro, Patricia L Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 62,146.69 $ 62,146.69
Peters, Christopher A Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter LSA Chemistry $ 61,817.00 $ 61,817.00
Keckan, Steven Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter UMH Safety Management Services $ 61,500.00 $ 0.00
Potas, John Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter UMH Safety Management Services $ 61,500.00 $ 0.00
Wilson, Jeffery S Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 58,833.60 $ 58,833.60
Gallup, Julie L Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 58,353.82 $ 58,353.82
O'Jack, Elizabeth M Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 58,211.20 $ 58,211.20
MacDonald, Laurie J Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter LSA Chemistry $ 56,911.00 $ 56,911.00
McKowen, Keith Allen Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 56,200.89 $ 56,200.89
Gallup, Steven Hill Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 55,098.91 $ 55,098.91
Roberts, Kyle Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Repka, Matthew Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 54,737.90 $ 54,737.90
Beer, Matthew Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 54,669.96 $ 54,669.96
Heemstra, Ronald Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 54,631.20 $ 40,973.40
McDonald, Kathleen Lee Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter OSEH $ 54,374.99 $ 54,374.99
Kahle, Christopher Envrnmntl Hlth/Sfty Spec Inter Dbn Environmental Hlt & Safety $ 48,410.00 $ 48,410.00
Page: 1 of 1

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