List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Engineering Manager 3
Maximum Salary:$ 128,666.64
Average Salary:$ 123,832.04
Minimum Salary:$ 117,418.32

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Albert, Eric V Engineering Manager Utility/Plant - Engineering $ 128,666.64 $ 42,459.99
Harvey, James Raymond Engineering Manager UMH Facilities Projects $ 125,411.15 $ 0.00
Desmarais, Adam M Engineering Manager UMH Facilities Planning $ 117,418.32 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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Woodward, Treasury Analyst Lead UMH MCIT Customer Srv Ctr
Countryman, Matthew J App Programmer/Analyst Asso mm
Handley, Systems an LSA Political Science
niktafar, Major Gifts Officer Assoc MM Interventnl Nephrology Unit
Sipp, Amy EKG TECHNICIAN I UMH Spine Profit Services
ha, sh ENGINEERING TECH I Zone Maintenance

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