List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Employer Recruiting Coord 11
Maximum Salary:$ 57,680.00
Average Salary:$ 50,265.79
Minimum Salary:$ 35,280.16

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Albers, Jacob Employer Recruiting Coord Dbn Institutional Advancement $ 57,680.00 $ 57,680.00
Eisbrenner, Amanda Kelly Employer Recruiting Coord Dbn Career Services $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Wheeler, Tuere Employer Recruiting Coord Dbn College of Business $ 54,901.58 $ 54,901.58
Dailey, Arlynn Employer Recruiting Coord Dbn College of Business $ 52,659.38 $ 52,659.38
Lange, Beverly Ann Employer Recruiting Coord SPHDO-Graduate Student Service $ 50,427.00 $ 50,427.00
Agius, Rita Marie Employer Recruiting Coord Dbn College of Business $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
Sullens, Casey Employer Recruiting Coord G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 49,735.00 $ 49,735.00
Schueneman, Sarah A Employer Recruiting Coord University Career Center $ 49,558.82 $ 49,558.82
Markey, Alicia Ann Employer Recruiting Coord CoE Eng Career Resource Center $ 49,380.00 $ 49,380.00
Riggs, Antonio Employer Recruiting Coord Flint School of Management $ 48,301.76 $ 48,301.76
Nichols, Larry Employer Recruiting Coord Flint Management Dean $ 35,280.16 $ 8,820.04
Page: 1 of 1

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