List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Employee Relations Rep 12
Maximum Salary:$ 91,262.46
Average Salary:$ 78,205.65
Minimum Salary:$ 65,000.00

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Clark, Keith L Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 91,262.46 $ 91,262.46
Garrett-Owens, Sabrina Vonne Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 88,740.00 $ 88,740.00
Christensen, Jeanne Anne Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 87,212.41 $ 10,465.49
Maki, Deborah L Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 81,925.79 $ 81,925.79
Day, David Lee Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 77,912.50 $ 77,912.50
Lund, Jon C Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 77,912.50 $ 77,912.50
Young, Roberta Jean Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 77,912.50 $ 77,912.50
Washington, Darrell Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 77,000.00 $ 77,000.00
Mello, Lisa T Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 75,480.00 $ 75,480.00
Tennyson, Wanda J Employee Relations Rep Inter HR Recruiting - Emplymnt Srvcs $ 70,109.58 $ 70,109.58
Blevins, Keisha Alise-Gipson Employee Relations Rep Senior Staff HR $ 68,000.00 $ 68,000.00
Palazzolo, Valerie Denise Adams Employee Relations Rep Inter HR Strategy - Planning $ 65,000.00 $ 32,500.00
Page: 1 of 1

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